im a newbie in this kinda thing.. i wanted to post a picture above my profile and was told to download a Hello program.. before downloading, i had to register on the damn website.. that was already time wasting.. guess what?? the crappy program was 1.5MB (which takes time when downloaded from my office).. after installing the dumb useless program, i tried uploading my picture to this blog.. so the imbisil program posted the picture as message post (did i mention the program was dumb?).. aaargh!! i asked a colleague and it turns out i didnt have to download the *&!!@# program!!! all i had to do was edit the template...
okay.. i can do that... piece of cake right..? so i went to the dashboard and edited the template.. wait a minute.. where's the line of code im supposed to edit? it's not ther! i tried ctrl+F(search key word) and looked for "About Me".. guess what.. it doesnt search inside a text box.. so i copy pasted the whole code to a notepad and searched again... its not there!! so i opened another window, viewed my blog, right-clicked on the mouse and chose "View page source". i finally found the words "About Me" under the "Begin #profile-container" code. then i went to the notepad and searched for that line of code.. FOUND IT!!! i remembered the location for that crucially short line of code and finally went to the template editing page i've left open some time ago (was it 30mnts ago? felt like ages...) and tried to locate it... after scrolling up and down relying solely on my aging eyes, i finally found it.. so i pasted a line of code that links to my picture... saved the template, deleted the post made by the useless "Hello" program, and republished the blog.. oh yeah, sometime between all of this, i managed to uninstall the friggin useless program... piece of crap!..
now the blog is just the way i want leas for now...
uhm... im not overeacting over this am i? i didnt think so... :)
hehehe... enakan blogdrive..
~pengkhianat blogspot
ahahahahahahaha....akhirnya api buka blog juga...dulu dengan semangatnya api berpendapat bahwa orang norak masa kini itu mempunyai blog dan sekarang terbukti api adalah bagian dari komunitas orang norak masa kini. welcome to the club dude!
sejarah api ngeblog adalah sebagai berikut:
Boy: "Pi, blog si amri lucu banget..lihat deh..."
Api: ", gwe jadi pengen lihat blog orang lain"
Api: "Boy, buat bikin blogger harus kemana aja?"
Lalu api meriset mana-mana aja yang menyediakan layanan blog, mulai dari friendster sampai blogger....karena ada temannnya yang berprofesi sebagai dukun dan membuka konsultasi online, dia jadi terpengaruh...
Boy: "Lagi ngapain loe?"
Api: "Lagi ngedownload Hello"
Boy: "Hah? Buat apaan?"
Api: "Buat masukin foto..."(polosnya ini anakkkk...)
Boy: "Buat apaan?? Loe edit aja HTML-nya"
Api: "Oh!?@#..bisa yach?"
Dan akhirnya...setelah bergelut adu pinter dengan blogger, muncullah postingan kedua dari api diatas ini...gak lupa juga melayani keluhan dari pelanggan api (si jenderal tombak itu) bahwa bloggernya gak bisa dihujani dengan komentar-komentar hahahahaha)
1. saya masih dalam batas kewajaran akal.
2. hkr terbukti sudah gila
ssiiippp...karena blog ini terbuka untuk umum...kita hujani dengan komentar-komentar bergunaaa.....
komentar saya:
untung saja utk menghapus tinggal memencet gambar tong sampah.. tinggal cari username aviator, trus pencet tong sampah :D
akan muriah...
jangan dihapus dong :(
komentar-komentar saya kan berguna dan membangun...
oia..kenapa kita gak chat aja pake YM? daripada berantem di blog ini...
kalo masih malas juga, kita ketemu aja face to face untuk membahasnya...kan elo juga masih duduk di sebelah gwe kan??
fotonya jangan di crop gitu donk pi..;p
FOTO LOE BIKIN GWE PUSING...JUJURLAH PADA DIRI SENDIRI...bukannya kalo ke kantr pake singlet doang?? hahahahah
huammmm... kenape loe ? wah ... bos perusahaan IT ngamuk2x ...
gak enak kalo ga di crop... soalnya di kanan ama kiri ada bodyguard2...
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