
Friday, January 18, 2008

Indonesian Stock Index causes Accidents?

A friend was on a business trip to Riau. As always, I update him on the stock market via sms.

16 January 2008

Sent at 1:48 PM : Mantab ihsg -6.5%!
Received at 1:49 PM: Saya kecelakaan pi, nabrak truk, gigi pth & mata benjol.

It seems his car crashed into a truck, engine was busted. Fortunately he's okay, just a broken tooth and bigger cheeks. Unfortunately a motorcycle (helmet-less) crashed from behind and the rider is currently in critical condition.

by the way, would you believe I dreamed of his accident a month ago and told him:
when in a car in the mountains, tell your driver to be careful. He will be tired or sleepy and going too fast. When he is about to turn, he sees a motorcycle and lose focus and at that moment, a truck (or bus, cant remember) will also be speeding.

I thought it was in Puncak.

Continuing with the sms:

Me: Hah? Serius? Di mana skrg?
Reply: Riau, untung selamat, walau mobil hancur
Me: Saya sdh bilang waktu dulu mimpi, kalo yg bawa mbl suruh hati2 saat belok
Reply: Tempatnya berbukit-bukit & belok-belok
Me: Sudah bilang keluarga? Ada yang patah tidak?
Reply: Gigi saya patah.
Me: Ada motor jga ga?
Reply: Yup, kena efek tabrakan, gara2 nabrak mobil kita dari belakang tanpa helm

end of post, 1 comments


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

makin jago ramal yah pi


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