
Thursday, June 16, 2005

hasnt been an excellent day so far...
woke up @4.30 and upset that i missed the inter-roma final..
then after praying, went back 2 sleep...
woke up again to a nice, warm sunshine through my window...
8am and im late 4 work!!!
830 i was on my way.. had to detour several times because yesterday rained, alias there wer BLOODY FLOODS!!!
i made it to the office @10am and as i was getting outta d car, i realized the lunch ive packed this morning was still in its plastic bag on the dinner table @home.. d'oh!
just as i closed the car's door, my stomach started rumbling and i started running... to the toilet that is...

not a very good start to the day...
i hope the 2nd half of the day gets better... not that im hoping 2much since i'll be reviewing a contract and studying hibernate again... *sigh...

end of post, 8 comments


At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

masuk kantor jam 10 siang...

desa semut kok dirusak?


At 4:03 PM, Blogger boy said...

satu kantor kesiangan semua...gwe aja baru jalan jam 9 dan nyampe jam 10 :D
hahahaha...gile deh hari ini, mana dikejar target lagi :)

btw, jenderal tombak sebaiknya mengandalkan pesawat Zero untuk menghantam sasaran-sasaran yang rapuh..kalo pake high tech bomber berat masih kalah karena ada tabir asap....

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Amri said...

wow ... bingung membaca comment2nya .. harus pake translatornya Google lagi ..

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Api said...

jepang, rumania, itali, hungaria... multinasional... terimalah saya sebagai murid anda ML HKR ST SC

At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

katanya mau membuat robot dari besi berbentuk gorila? kalau ga salah namanya iron kong.

jadi ga pi?
lumayan kalau proyek penelitiannya bener2 jadi.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Api said...

dasar gila.. kebalik lah har... yang bener itu bikin robot berbentuk besi terbuat dari gorila.. namanya king iron.

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Alveta said...

see? "iron kong" is more.. catchy.. make sense too

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Api said...

waduuh.. andin mulai ketularan gilanya hkr rupanya..

iron kong itu pas kalo robot berbentuk gorila terbuat dari besi.. tapi itu ga masuk akal. yang bener, king iron.. soalnya robot berbentuk besi terbuat dari gorila..

masa yang waras di sini saya sendiri...


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