
Monday, February 11, 2008

I will write several correlating posts on several topics.
The first post is about what it means to be The Best in the World.

As some of you may know, I love reading and these posts are gathered from personal experience and learning about them from reading. Confused? Don’t be 
Usually I have an experience first, and then sometime later I read a concept/theory from a book that explains the experience and I am then able to learn from it. I believe that to fully comprehend a concept/theory, you must both learn and experience it. You’ll have a better chance of success if you learn first then experience it, but most of the time it will be the other way around. If you only read, then you will have a know-it-all mindset. If you experience it first, then when you read about it, you will think “oh, so this is why that happened… Now I understand and can change my strategy”. This is why I have decided to share this theory in my blog.

Theory without experience is useless.
Experience without theory is confusing.

#1 What is the definition of THE BEST IN THE WORLD?

In this era, what is the best in the world? The world is now limitless thanks to the Internet. I can search over tens of thousands of online stores to get what I want. The world, from another point of view, has shrunk and is filled with niche markets. There are even niche markets within a niche market. The best in the world is very subjective. It all comes back to the customer’s world. Yes, what you are offering has to be the best in my world, at this exact moment in time. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but NOW. I want a breakfast that does not require more than a 5 minute walk, with a budget of less than IDR 10,000. That is the best in my world, right NOW. If someone can provide me the best value breakfast in MY world, then I will buy it from him/her. Very simple, right?

If you own a business and you have customers, then you are currently the best in their world. The question is, for how long? Until they learn to use the Internet and find a new best? Or maybe it is until a competitor takes away your advantages and become the best at what YOU DO? If you are an employee, are you the best at what you do? An employee sells their skills to the employer. Are you providing the best value to your company? To your boss? Are you the best compared to your colleagues?

Are you the best at what you do?

Let’s take a step back. Question: now, why would anyone want to be the best in the world? We can be average and still get by. The answer is Easy. The best in the world reaps the highest rewards. The best soccer players in the world play in Europe. The best of the best players make many times the money of average players. It is always the best player that gets the most awards. It is always the best player that receives the most recognition. It is by nature that the best always gets the most.

Some of you may think that it is almost impossible to be the best in the world. I say it’s not. Remember about the world shrinking with the Internet? There are niche markets everywhere on just about anything. Find a market that is WORTHWILE, and be the best in that world.

How do you know that something is worthwhile? If you know that what you are trying to achieve will be difficult and push you to the limit, then that is probably worthwhile. If you’re currently doing something that you think anyone can learn to do quickly, or has a low barrier of entrance, then it’s probably not worth doing.

Think about it for a while as I continue writing the next post.

end of post, 2 comments


At 12:04 PM, Blogger aNaNDiTa said...

Pi, sekuelnya mana? Can't wait to read it...

At 1:38 PM, Blogger boy said...

mana sekuelnya??


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