
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

hehe got this from a website describing blokM girls..

Warnings and labels that we'd like to see on the Blok M girls - a growing collection created by the Reveller and his visitors.

Excessive use may leave you with a permanent grin.
This product may not look and perform the same in daylight.
Overenthusiastic use may result in hard-to-explain scratches, gouges and teeth marks.
Regular use may lead to delusions of ownership.
Slippery when wet.
Indiscriminate and careless use may seriously damage your marriage.
Using this product will sap and impurify your precious bodily fluids.
Bra size is for illustration only. Actual size of contents may vary.
Unsupervised usage may double your bar bill.
Before awarding permanent status consider the total cost of ownership.
Mix with alcohol for optimum performance.
Repeated use of this and similar products may lead to a life of dissipation and debauchery.
Exceeding the prescribed dose may be dangerous for those with a dicky ticker.
This is the sort of girl your mother used to warn you about.
This product conforms to ISO 6969.
Giving your handphone number may cause irreparable damage to your professional and personal reputations.
Use once then dispose of carefully.
Caution - may seriously inflate your ego.
If totally pissed remember it's the second hole from the back of the neck.
Bras and panties in trouser pockets or behind car seats are a major cause of marital breakdown.
Directions for use: take two in the evenings, marriage should clear up in two to three weeks.
Warning: wants to suck the wallet, too.
Heavy intake of these portions could leave you breathless and limp.
Shagging can seriously damage your carpet fibres.
Repeated use may lead to addiction.
In the morning objects in here may not be as attractive as they currently appear.
The explanation that you have been using black dental floss is unlikely to be believed.
Lipstick smears may not be limited to the face and upper parts of your body.
The hard-luck stories this model is programmed to recite may not be entirely true.
When she's got you by the short and curlies your heart and wallet will follow.
Supplied as is, where is, no warranty expressed or implied.
If you have to ask the price you probably can't afford me.
There is no guarantee that the contents will match the packaging and perform as advertised.
Do not handle the goods unless you intend to buy.


This product is exceptionally addictive, overuse can and almost certainly will lead to extreme complications, the least of which will be financial loss.

Physical side effects can include involuntary low throat growling upon observing dance floors, an inability to enter any public space in Indonesia where young females are gathered without losing all trace of previous thoughts and concern for prior business. Older users may also find occurrences of Repetitive Stress Disorder in their right hand thumbs due to the obsessive need to master the techniques of SMS, this can also be complicated by early onset of senility if they actually try to remember who exactly are 'Fitri', 'Novi', 'Ella' etc.

Users of this product who are already in long term relationships may develop compulsive shredding disorder and thereby lose all trace of credit card receipts and statements as well as bar and hotel bills. An ability to explain long absences is strongly recommended before indulging in this product.

The most damaging result of overuse will not be felt until the user returns to a Western country, where he can expect to experience a complete and total loss of libido in the presence of Western women.


end of post, 2 comments


At 9:42 AM, Blogger boy said...

inilah kepribadian api yang sebenernya...suka maen ke blok m yah...

tiap jumat dan sabtu malam pasti nongkron di blok M, di DJ's, dsb (sorry, gwe gak apal kelas blok M...gak level nih hahahahah....)

yah, abis selera api memang cewe lokal sih huehahahahaha

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Api said...

yaah maklumlaah... sekolah kan dulu deket... jadi suka maen2 lah ke sono...

loe bukannya sering ke sono juga boy? waktu itu kan gue ngegep loe lagi nawar di bunderan blokm plaza inget ga? hahaha


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