
Saturday, July 23, 2005

How much of control do we have over our lives?

close to zero maybe? ok, here's a 2cents

from early in the morning.. when u wake up n take a shower.. what things r out of ur control? The corrupted PLN loses power n ur house's electricity is shut down maybe.. or just when u were "uploading", or doing ur "morning ritual"(*chuckle) a very important person calls and needs2speak 2u?..

and then.. what could go wrong..? out of the blue, ur favorite cat jumps on d table n starts 2 drink ur milk? nibble ur breakfast? mayb u ride the office shuttle-bus n 4 some reason it arrives early? or if u use public transportation suddenly it rains? a car speeds by and splashes mud all over ur clothes?

what about me who most of d time drive2work? how is it possible (4 example dis week) that on tuesday i went2d office n d road was empty? n then d next day it swelling with a sea of loud-honking bastards? or how bout 2day when on d way 2d office d tires started 2feel a bit flat so i pulled over n found not ONE, not TWO, not even THREE, but FOUR nails stuck on my left front tire!! my right tire was a little flat also but i didnt bring enough cash to have it checked out :p

i've written so much n its still early in d morning haha.... well u get d picture, right?

so, what powers do we have over our lives? whats d point of organizing things? maybe a little bit is ok, but how bout those "Monica-Friends" types?

end of post, 6 comments


At 4:28 PM, Blogger Alveta said...

"mayb u ride the office shuttle-bus n 4 some reason it arrives early?"
...sounds familiar

masih perlu kok organizing life, only not to be obsessed about it and be flexible instead..

At 12:20 AM, Blogger boy said...

pantes...kemarin gwe ajak makan gak mau..malah membodohi diri sendiri dengan mengkonsumsi 1,5 liter mie sedaapp

hahahaha :D

At 7:35 AM, Blogger ojochan said...

"but how bout those "Monica-Friends" types?"

...that sounds familiar as well.

are you crazy?!! i actually look at it this way, now that you know you only have a little control of your life, make the best out of it! =D

and that's the exact point why i prefer living here, MRT always comes ontime. have no problem on organizing my schedule. hehe.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Api said...

i take back my word.. u dont hav little control.. we have NO control over our lives. the only thing we have r probabilities. ex: thers a 95% probability that if i throw a paper out the window, it would land on d ground.

dats d closest thing 2 ctrl :)

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 nan 1
nendang kaki bengkok...

At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4?? yang saya tahu masih 3....


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