The Forest of Endonesa
Since a long long time ago, a great lion named CANNI had been chosen to rule all the forests in the world. Sometime ago, a new forest had started to flourish.. It was called Endonesa. To keep track of all the animals living in the forest, the lion gave the task to a great elephant named CINDI and requested for a tribute of 1 Lion Gold per registration, equalling 10 Endonesan Gold.
CINDI's task is to register all of the new born animals, making sure no names are the same, and categorize them by class (avian, mammal, etc). CINDI must also take note of the animals's contact address and name changes.. An elephant never forgets, but seeing the rate of animals being born, CINDI did not want to take any chances and wrote down all the names. As the list grew longer and longer, CINDI had to work full time and also needed lots of money to buy utensils to support her work. CINDI decided to also ask for a fee. This fee to buy utensils and keep her fully concentrated is 75 Endonesan GOld. Another problem arose as the numbers of registrants grew. CINDI was busy and too old to go around asking animals to pay their debt, so CINDI appointed a ferocious tiger named PAT. The tiger's job is to bill the animals that haven't paid. Though the tiger is not a king, it is ferocious and vicious enough to scare most animals in the forest. This tiger wanted a 50% share of the fee so the fee was unavoidably increased to 150 Endonesan Gold.
In the times that passed, the tiger became more selfish and decided to not give the full 50% of the fee owed to CINDI. Nor would it want to provide the list of animals that have paid. This condition started to pamper with CINDI's productivity level. It is unable to buy sufficient utensils and mostly rely on charities. It also cannot take part in annual meetings of inter-forest animal registrators since it does not have the funds required to make the journey.
These problems are added by another as CANNI asked for a yearly tribute from all the animals in all forests. Seeing the partnership arrangement with PAT was deteriorating, CINDI decided to ask the help of a small team of ants to help design a method to bill the animals yearly without the help of PAT. They found a solution. When implemented, animals will only be registered after they pay. Their registration will be renewed on every birthday and if they do not pay, then it must be considered that they are dead and their names may be reused. This way, PAT will no longer be needed to bill the animals.
Upon knowing this, PAT was angry. He gave a warning to all the animals in the forest to not agree to the new method. Most animals were afraid, but some of the larger animals still followed with a cautious step. The tiger was not just ferocious and powerful, but it was also sly and tricky. He was able to manipulate the uncertainty into lies and deception and used them against CINDI. The peak of the battle was when PAT decided to state that CINDI was incapable of managing the animal population list of Endonesa and pushed for CINDI's resignation.
CANNI was a busy lion with kingdoms to rule and thus this problem cannot be handled right away. But all the animals in Endonesa were confused and asked for a swift resolution. PAT then decided one-sidedly to bring in a wise animal the Sea Turtle named FOMINKO as a mediator. PAT knows that FOMINKO is slow and unable to manage the list, and if manipulated can become a precious ally. It was decided that CINDI would resign and an organization consisting of many animals in the forest will take over to guarantee just and fairness. This was in favor of PAT since he struck fear and had authority over most of the animals. In the end it was decided that PAT and CINDI would settle their disputes while in the meantime FOMINKO is to temporarily take over the duties of CINDI until the new organization is ready. The appointment of FOMINKO backfired on PAT because it turns out the turtle is fully neutral and still has some resources that can manage the list of names.
FOMINKO had a problem though. The list was written in elephant language and is therefore unable to fully read it. It only knows of the names already being used, but does not know of the animals' birthdays and contact address. During this confusion, the ants that helped CINDI decided to help FOMINKO. They contacted FOMINKO and explained who they were and their position in this matter. FOMINKO then decided to call the ants to give a presentation.
During the presentation, the ants explained that they were first involved as a research entity. They are capable of fluently using elephant language and can help the animal name management of the Endonesa Forest if permitted. When asked what mission the ants had on this matter, they answered it was purely business and they have no intention of taking part in both the political battles nor taking over the management. FOMINKO had trouble reading the language, while the ants are able. So why not have a partnership agreement they stated.. If CINDI were still in charge, they would have offered the same thing, if PAT will be in charge in the future, they will also offer the same. Although the ants cannot provide free service, they realize that this is a for the sake of the forest and so their offer will be reasonable.
And thus is the current state of the Endonesan Forest. Until all matters are settled, newborn animals are unable to register nor alter their names. It is a shame that although the animals are aware of who is at fault and who is not, they are unwilling, or only have self-interest in their agendas, to state their opinion in a formal level.
Adit...koq malah anonymous??
btw, inisial si PAT koq kebalikan dari inisial gwe ya: TAP wakakak
iya nih.. adhit lempar batu sembunyi tangan hahaha!
ah elo juga boy make anonymous ngomentarin UNDP
"yang saya tahu orangnya kalo kemana-mana selalu pake topi, baju hitam agak tinggi, rambut cepak"
Tuh ciri2nya si PAT .. kali aja lo tertarik pi :))
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