
Friday, September 02, 2005

If you've ever seen me wearing sandals, u'd recognize dat im not comfortable in them..
I still trip over them and sometimes even get my toes cut by asphalt.. when i walk fast, they somehow always manage to slip off and slide 10meters in front of me (which could be quite embarassing depending on d people present)..

10years living in Indonesia and I still cant wear a sandal hahaha...

wat does sandals have over shoes anyway? they dont protect ur feet from heat, rain, or dirt.. u cant run in them.. they used 2b cheap, but now they're as expensive (well close enough) as shoes..

i only wear sandals in campus coz they're easier 2take off when u need 2pray.. or i dont have time 2put on shoes when leaving the house, so i slip on a sandal and put my shoes in the car... even when driving i'd rather not wear sandals.. so sandals r only of use to those dat r lazy? *grins*

im not sayin dis coz i cant wear a sandal... really.. :p

end of post, 2 comments


At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

klo gw justru sangat gak nyaman dengan sepatu karena kaki gw gampang lecet.....sendal gunung is da best

At 6:23 AM, Blogger Api said...

sandal: kaki kotor, basah, panas, kalo keinjek sakit :p

sepatu: kaki ga kotor, cukup terlindungi dari air selama bbrp saat, ga pernah panas, kalo keinjek biasa aja..

kesimpulannya? sepatulah pilihannyaa... huehuehehe


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