Ever check out the logo on a honda jazz? notice anything missing? yup! almost all of jazzes in jakarta is missing the dot above the j. ever wonder y? its a genius marketing plan by thieves!
Something similar happened to toyota kijangs sometime ago.. suddenly out of the blue, a part of the logo was missing from all kijangs.. about a month later, they started popping up in black markets like Taman Puring and Senen.. Of course the price was sky high. See? this is called "creating ur own market" with a twist hahaha...
and now the same thing is happeningg to honda jazz.. in a couple of days, suddenly all jazz have lost their dot! d demand for those dots are quite high now n surely it wont be long b4 the dots start appearing in black markets *lol*
so if uve just bought a new jazz or plan to buy one, dont forget to take off the dot b4 thieves get to it 1st! when the dots start reappearing, then u can stick it on again.. and if they dont reappear, it would b better coz then if u wer 2sell ur jazz, u can say "it still has the dot" and reap an extra million or two rupiahs hehehe...
Betul, gue juga dibilangin begitu =P dijadiin bandul ato perhiasan apa gtu yang lucu2...
emang berapaan kalo dijual di black market, Pi?
dulu yang kijang sih gue jual...
ehm... berapa ya lupa...
lho? eh, emangnya gue yang ngerampok?
tapi gile juga ya koordinasi para maling ini hehe mantab. sayang kemampuan koordinasinya ga dipake utk hal2 berguna...
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