
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

41 State Universities severe ties with the Indonesian Government

41 STATE Universities withdrew from the National University Entrance Test program. These 41 State Universities decided that they would hold their own entrance tests. The reason, they said, was because of financial and budgetary causes. Currently, state universities are not allowed to freely use any money received from test nor tuition payments. Like all government institutions, this is the process of “extracting” what is rightfully theirs:
  1. Students/future students make payments.
  2. University deposits the money to the Department of Finance
  3. University creates proposals of programs that need funding.
  4. The proposals are scrutinized by the Department of Finance
  5. After adjustments and negotiations (taking up time and resource), the funds are given to the university.
This is the basic business model of the government. Let’s say a government institution owns a ship. This ship is rented by a company from overseas. Within one day of receiving the rent money, it must be transferred to the bank account of the Department of Finance. If the institution wants to use the money, they must do the steps above. If the money is needed for urgent matters, then that is just TOO BAD.

So basically, the universities are having trouble getting what they need (money) to grow and expand. They want to sever ties with the government so that they can have easy access to the financials that, in my opinion, are rightfully theirs.

Let’s be a little philosophical now. Keep reading if you want to know my opinion from a philosophical point of view.

Why is our system like this? How come we have to explain right down to the detail about what we want to do, and then provide proof that we did what we said we wanted to do. This type of bureaucracy not only prevents creativity, it is also time consuming and a waste of effort. Not to mention that usually the proposer must use their own money first. It is ridiculous. The root of the problem, in my opinion, is that Indonesians act on a DISTRUST basis. You are guilty until proven innocent. This is in almost every aspect of our lives; from major to minor issues. Let’s compare some things with the western world:
  1. In Indonesia, if you want to use money, you have to explain what you are going to do with the money in details. You have to use your personal money first and then provide receipts to be refunded. If you work in a government, the refunding process normally takes about one month. In USA, you ask for money, explain what you are planning to do with it. The money is given. After spending the money, make a simple report.
  2. Turning left in traffic lights. You are not permitted to turn left on a red light unless there is a sign that allows you to do so. In advanced countries, you are allowed to turn left (turn right if you are in US) in a red light unless it states you are not permitted to do so.
  3. In Indonesia, foreigners must bring a passport at all times. In US you only face scrutiny once, when you enter the country. After that you are free.
This way of thinking is deeply rooted in our heads. We are always suspicious of new things or people. It is now very difficult to find yourself in a “win-win” situation because most people have a mind set of “win-lose”. Or even a “lose-lose” way of thinking. Be honest and ask yourself this: What first popped in my head when I heard of the news that 41 State Universities decided to severe ties with the government? This is a chance for universities to accept bribes? The rich will get educated while the smart and poor will be left behind? Or did you think that this is a good progress in the right direction? Did you think that now universities can start to focus on developing strong curriculum? Small universities will now be able focus on a selected few majors? Is this a chance to develop non developed parts of Indonesia with education so that high-school graduates will not always apply to just ITB, UI, UGM, or IPB?

So what popped in your head? Was it a win-win, win-lose, or lose-lose mindset?
Think about it.

end of post, 1 comments


At 9:07 PM, Blogger boy said...

Agree with your idea...

When I heard the news, I was thinking about how smaller universities get funding.

Anyway, are the tuition fees so significant? I thought tuition fees were not sufficient to cover the whole operations therefore some state universities often ask for aid.


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