What is reality?
When I first think of it, I remember a movie starring Demi Moore about her not being able to differentiate which is reality, her dreams or her reality? is her reality really the reality? or could her reality be a dream that she wakes from? and is her dream really a dream? or is it in fact the real reality?
This is what i've been feeling for a long time.. Creepy? I think so.. My dreams are so realistic that I sometimes think of them as real. Sure there are times when a dream is so unbeliavable that I realize in my dream that it is a dream and wake up right away.
But more than often, the dreams are so real that I wake up and act on that dream.. For instance, in a dream some1 sms-ed me.. When I wake up, I might suddenly reach 4my cellphone n replied his/her message. So for those who have received bewildering sms from me b4 6am, it was probably bcoz of a dream i had =)) I guess that is why I remember almost all my dreams.. I still remember what i dreamt in high school... or when I first entered Fasilkom.. The dreams I had last week, last nite...
But doesnt that make u wonder..? What is reality? Are our dreams really a dream? Or maybe one of them is the reality and we're in a dream at this instant? Who knows something out of the ordinary will happen and I'll realize that this is a dream and wake up from it...
not everyone has such vivid dreams..
how bout videos? :))
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