- when sms-ing high-school friends/just graduated, it always take me about 5minutes to read the smses... not dat i hav a reading problem, but i dont understand shit bout the abbr. and even some of the meanings of the slang words haha...
- when playing basketball with friends i always seem to be short of breath.. make no mistake, ive still got d moves n skills... just not the physique... thus d conclusion is...
i am OLD... and OUT OF SHAPE...
cant stop d aging process... tho mayb it might help if i started dating high-school girls hahaha...
and as for being out of shape.. i still cant find a serious fitness friend/partner to help motivate me.. so now i have 2find a fun yet healthy activity... :-?
aha! ballroom dancing!
time 2hit d books n relearn how to waltz and swing again... err..maybe i should focus on d fast-beat waltz rather than the slow swing or foxtrot. on the other hand.. the swing n foxtrot might really comes in handy when charming women..hehehe ;)
so as the only but never old one-liner in ballroom dancing goes: "may i have this dance?"
hahahahahaahaa (yg ini saya sampai guling2 ketawanya)
padahal api nuduh2 saya tua, bahkan umur saya di upgrade +10 atau +20 tahun...
ternyata dia nulis sendiri
"I am old.. and out of shape"
iya nih... tampaknya saya juga mesti meminta hkr untuk menjadi guru fitness saya... hik hik..
walaupun beda hampir 14 tahun, tapi dia masih memiliki fisik seperti orang berumur 24thn..
bener2 menakjubkan... otot baja, 6pack... ajari saya utk berdisiplin guru...
hahahaa ini jelas2 penipuan masyarakat :D
umur saya di upgrade lagi sama api :)
btw.. otot saya ga ada.. perut 1 pack only (baca: buncit)... :(
hahaha... padahal setiap kali ceting kerjaannya pamer udh turun sekian kilo.. terakhir udh turun 20kilo dari sejak terakhir di indonesia bukan? karena kerjaannya ke gym trus di sana susah nemuin kulit ayam dan makanan berlemak :)
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