Words are sacred to a man;
his word is his bond.Feelings are sacred to a woman;
her heart is her bond.
now I understand...
U say it is human to compare and choose the better.. just trust my feelings...
but a man's word is his bond.. if it can no longer be trusted, what else does he have?
one/two liners time! :)but a man's word is his bond.. if it can no longer be trusted, what else does he have?
If you are attracted to someone, there's a reason for it.
And you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is.
--Goldfish Memories
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
"It was my own fault, I was looking up. You were there... it was the nearest thing to heaven..."
--An Affair to Remember
*grins* hey, i thought there would other reasons, and yet you still holding on that one.
well i'd still hold to my opinion. feelings change once in a while, and i still think that it's best to be true to ur own feelings than to keep on going just because you had your words on it. because by then, what if your feelings and your words don't come together anymore? do you prefer to lie & hold to your words, or do you prefer to be true to your feelings?
i prefer the latter. :P
and btw, sejak elu pasang tu 2 lirik yah, giling.. blog lu jadi kacau gitu layout-nya, ngelebar ke kanan kiri.
:-$ +grins+
and i quote: "feelings change once in a while"..will it ever stop changing? :)
its not d lyrics...
i changed d layout coz i thought it wasnt wide enough... but i havent 100%completed d renovation..dunno if i wanna trouble myself to :p
it will, until the famous "pubertas kedua" famously known on guys, i suppose hahahahaha i still think it's a bet. you bet that this time it'll stay, but you'd never know. same thing as finding "the One". you think you've found him/her, but you could never really tell.
btw, 4ur 1st reply, i can find at least 7grammatical errors +grins+
hahaha *ngumpetngumpet*...
hmm...i c dis is gonna b a potentially very long deadlock :-?
so i'll take d middle way out n say: a word is still taken 1st into consideration..feelings should b accounted 4 only when it has reached a climax level..hows dat? :D
fair enough, Sir. :D
and yes, i notice them too, /after/ it got posted. darn.
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