
Monday, December 26, 2005


Ok... this is gonna b another narnia review on the movie.. since ther r so many reviews, i'll make this one short.
Wat i liked: the cgi. the cgi quality was most of the time consistent, very detailed, and animative.
Wat was lacking: the acting. im not blaming the actors since it is difficult to play the roles, especially edmund. i tot edmund was the most flawed one.. the problem i found was that if u didnt read the book, u cannot get the feel of the condition. such as i doubt many understood by watching only that once u took something given by the witch, u r under her spell and grow more evil with time.. and at the same time fears anything connected to aslan. ther r other similar scenes wher u'd only understand after reading the book.

another flaw was the background. the animations wer mostly high-quality, but the background images are mostly quite bad. u can tell of the different layers in the movie.. i guess they ran out of budget on the animations that the background was sacrificed hehe..

well, that covers my opinion. not all, but just those that i havent read in any other reviews hehe..

end of post, 6 comments


At 10:49 AM, Blogger indigo wine said...

Narnia emang ngaco backgroundnya, nenek2 makan sup juga tau itu tipuan saking ngaconya tuh bg =D Padahal graphicnya dah lucu banget...

However, I don't really mind seeing the acting. Infact, acting is the least point I really observed about =P

So, it didn't really bother me why did Edmund took the Turkish delight form the witch nor why didn't he fear Aslan... just lay back and enjoy the movie, will you =P

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Alveta said...

film anak2?

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Api said...

no no... maksud gue, kalo di buku dijelasin bahwa kalo menerima pemberian nenek sihir, maka lama lama akan menjadi jahat dan merasa takut dg apapun yg berhubungan ama aslan. hal2 seperti ini emang susah diperankan oleh aktor. makanya gue ga nyalahin si aktor. cuma kalo baca buku, dalam imaginasi loe kebayang orangnya spt apa.. sedangkan di film, hal2 kecil namun penting seperti itu ga bisa ditangkap.. sayang aja..

yupe.. film anak2.. hehehe...

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who juss?

At 6:30 PM, Blogger jpmrblood said...

Film itu simbolisasi teologis dari agama gw. Buat orang awam itu film anak-anak, buat gw lebih dari itu.

For instance, dia menjelaskan apa itu keadilan Tuhan dan bagaimana itu sebenarnya tidak berlawanan dengan kasih Tuhan kepada manusia.

IMO, film itu cukup esensial untuk menangkap pikiran seorang C. S. Lewis, seorang filsuf, teolog, dan pengarang buku anak.

Yah, namanya juga Hollywood, ceritanya pasti dibikin versi pop. Jadi, wajar aja hilang beberapa (kalo gak bisa dibilang banyak) esensi yang mo disampaikan.

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Api said...

haha ada juga yang nulis..
gue padahal tadinya pingin nulis panjang lebar ttg filosofi narnia tapi blm ada waktu.

iya.. cerita2 cs lewis penuh dengan keagamaan. gue baca novelnya udh kayak baca bible :))

semua dari aslan hingga tash.. dari deskripsi bumi dan narnia.. itu adalah penafsiran lewis atas agamanya.. ntar aja deh kapan2 gue post kalo lagi pingin hehe..

dulu pas baca bukunya udh pingin nulis.. eh kemaren pas ke gramedia udh kebalap.. udh ada orang yang nulis duluan..nulisnya beneran di buku pula +lol+


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