
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My Life the Last Few Months

I havent written in this blog for a long long time.. It has been because of my mood and my busy schedule. This is two of the major things that have happened these last few months:

1. Im out of Ametis
2. Im in Avevo Dinamika

Though from the outside my X-company seemed to be going alright, inside it was a mess. It has been like that for quite a while. It had some very fundamental problems that were not solved immediately and just piled up.. But the main problem came from the inside.. If the cause could be summed up in one word, it would be "COMMITMENT".

to commit means to speak or act in such a manner as to bind oneself to a certain line of conduct.*

in lame terms, to deliver or "put your feet where your mouth is" or "walk the walk"... well u get the point.

The first problem was "unfamiliar shareholders". The shareholders were connected by a single person, who was trusted by each party, that vouched for the quality and commitment of each side of the parties. Everyone trusted his judgement and took the big risk.

Another issue was shares and role. This is where the word commitment enters. Everyone had equal value of shares for money. This was made possible because everyone said they were committed to being active in this company. This was not the case. After one year, half of the shareholders believed that the share of responsibilities and burden of the company was not equal. Some were much more active than others. And what made it a double whammy was that many of those that were active are not major shareholders. What we felt was basically that there were parties that invested lots of money and stated that we would all move forward as equals and equally share the burden & responsibilities TOGETHER. And then we all found out that it was all a piece of crap. Dats d problem.. It seemed we had different definitions of the word commitment. I defined it such as above, while some defined it as just saying "i am committed" without needing actions to prove it.

So in the last few months leading to our exit, we stopped invested our ideas (be it brilliant or not) in the company. Why? Why should we? What would we gain by doing so?

Anyway, all these problems reached its peak in mid January when it was too much to bear. In the end, those that felt that there was lack of justice,did not stay any longer. Another issue for me, a personal one, was dat d company was not run professionally. Decisions were not made using logic. Many decisions were made based on emotions and feelings. Very childish/immature. Its both sad and funny when u think bout it..

Anyway, good luck to them. They're gonna need it considering from what i hear which is that "the wise sea turtle" no longer gives a damn whether the now significantly reduced number of "ants" get the contract. As for me.. To this day, I still do not regret the decision to join the team a year ago.. My regret is that i did not see this much sooner and became too caught up in it. My networking was slightly hampered, but i was able to fix it. And now i have their (sea turtle's) backing up in the OSOL Programme!! hip hip hooraaay!!!

*Webster's New World Unabridged Dictionary

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