
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

women love in order to be loved..
men love to possess love...

end of post, 15 comments


At 7:11 AM, Blogger ojochan said...

can't generalize things, but that's what i've experienced so far. *grin* which always leave me a concern: if you've possessed it, then what? look another one that's more challening to possess?

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Api said...

not if i were .....(fill in d blanks) ;)

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the end everyone's possessed by love anyway... hence a country song going:
"Love will take control...
it will make you bowl...
play a different role...
maybe strike a goal..."

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Api said...

hm.. i dunno bout dat.. i kno dats what usually happens, but i dunno if we should b allowed 2b possessed by love..

btw siti, what country song is dat? :p

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah topik berat ini
saya sih ga ngerti apa2...

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Api said...

taeek... ga ngerti gimana? HKR..u've studied, learned, and passed the School of Love dengan thesis "Menjadi Playboy kelas Internasional"

Sekarang gelarnya kan:


SC: Sarjana Cinta
ST: Sarjana Teknik
MoL: Master of Love

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

satu lagi...


(Philosophy Doctor of Love)

dengan disertasi:
Korelasi Positif Antara Kemampuan Menggaet Wanita Tingkat Internasional dengan Konsumsi Baja yang Digunakan Sebagai Bahan Kapal Beton

~boy, lagi ngebajak kompie Api

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yess.. I've learned and studied in school of love, tried to understand the meaning of love. But unfortunately i couldn't pass the exam. Therefore I was expeled from the school... and of course... you (api and boy) were the principal and vice principal of the school of love :D

gile.. dah lupa saya nulis inggris, pengen nulis pake deutsch atau nihongo aja ah.. :)

Nächstes Mal schreibe ich auf deutsch oder japanisch ;)


At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lohh?? gak lulus tapi koq ngaku punya gelar lengkap gitu?? wah,.

wah, pasti itu gelar kehormatan ya? diberikan atas prestasi internasional anda yang melegenda dalam hal percintaan kelas internasional. principal dan vice principal aja gak sampai segitu gelarnya...

Sie schreibe schon gut Deutsch. Japanisch? Einfach!

~lagi-lagi boy....

At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denkst du, dass mein Deutsch schon gut ist?? Naja.. nicht besonders finde ich.. vielleicht noch nicht. Ich lerne noch :) Ab und zu habe ich auch Schwierigkeiten bei manchen Fächern (z.B. Recht bzw. öffentliches Baurecht oder privates Baurecht) und zum Glück konnte ich alle Fächer bestehen (natürlich... nur bis heute :D, wer weiß, was in Zukunf passieren wird :D) Schau ma' mal.. ;)

Gruß, hkr

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Api said...

saya tulis 2 baris, balasannya banyak bener... ya udh saya ngalah...

Boy jadi rektor Sekolah Cinta..
HKR siswa DO yang kemudian melegenda suksesnya (padanannya di dunia IT: bill gates ama steve jobs)..

saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang masih mencari arah dalam perjalanan mencari cinta ini...

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That country song is mine, i do write country songs lyrics as pastime.. never told u that huh hehehe... btw none of u guys should give up on love!
p/s: api, for da time being I can't access my IM lah, maybe the IS guys did somethin to my workstation while I was gone last week. will be buzzing you once the prob's cleared.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger boy said...

Lah? Kenapa gwe yang jadi rektor Sekolah Cinta? Bukannya jelas-jelas pendiri merangkap rektor adalah HKR a.k.a. Mpu Pisau a.k.a. Jenderal Tombak? Jangan maen melempar jabatan sepenting itu dong....

Loe sendiri kan juga anggota dewan pengawas Sekolah Cinta bareng dengan Erik (wah..ini nyeret-nyeret Erik namanya hahahha )

Herr HKR, ja, Sie sprechen schon gut, aber Ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch :). Sie leben in Deutschland, wieso dein Deutsch Sprache nicht gut? :)

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kasihan si erick
ga tahu apa2... terseret dalam konspirasi ini... :D

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Api said...

konspirasi? saya ga ngerti apa apa...


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