
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

2day i woke up @4.30am...
helped make spaghetti 4d family...
washed d car since my co workers n i r goin 2meet a potential client dis morning.. They decided uninamously (my vote didnt count) 2 use my car...
showered @5.30... then left 4d office @6am...
The traffic was jam-less :D thus made me hav d courage 2try n search other possible paths 2d office.. Dis proved stupid since d road i was following only took me 2a dead end >.<
So i turned d car n went d way i came... hehehe...
Good thing d traffic was still nice...
In d freeway, i was reading sms wit a friend n didnt realize a bmw was sticking rite behind me..
The driver was d smug typo guy.. U kno.. The "i-gotta-cool-car-get-outta-the-way-look" and started beeping me.. I looked up n thought "whoops, sorry...".. But lookin @ his face, i decided haha i'll make it hard on him n floored d gas :)
He tried 2catch up2me but we wer even since ther wer cars on d freeway of course.. If the freeway had been empty, im sure he cud just stroll by me.. :))
So i zigzagged n showed him how 2maneuver haha... He got left behind soon after.. That little stunt gave me an extra 5minutes of time... Not bad, my car can still reach 175kph..

So i arrived @d office earlier than i xpected.. n now after printing out d contracts n all, we're ready 2 go...

end of post, 12 comments


At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo try driving in Malaysia man, you'll enjoy it! We've got lots of smugotypos here!

At 1:34 PM, Blogger boy said...

yah...lawan lo kan cuma BMW seri 3 keluaran tahun 1991...

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kalau gitu, tunggu saya pulang
si putih ntar mau saya kilik, biar makin mantab :D

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Api said...

enak aja... lawannya bmw2003/4
si putih bedalah... nissan.. cepat tapi tak nyaman... kalo saya kan toyota.. kecepatan biasa, tapi nyetirnya nyaman :D

lagipula putih paling udh ga bs jalan ditinggal bertahun2.. saya beli sekarang gimana? 20jt? udh bagus itu

At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

20 juta?
wah ga bisa pi..

harga dasar 40 jt
karena masih mulus tambah 40 jt
karena bekas dipake hkr tambah 70 jt

total2... 150 jt lah harga 2nd nya :D

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Api said...

gile... harga kentutnya hkr 70jt...
emang makan emas, har?

mulus dari mana..? body? tapi mesinnya bunyinya udh ga karuan gitu...
harga dasar udh 15jt har..

perhitungan saya:
15jt-5jt(kondisi mobil)+10jt(karena beli dari temen) = 20jt

At 4:28 PM, Blogger boy said...

perhitungan gwe:

harga dasar 5 jt (yah..udah uzur..hanya mampu digeber 40km/jam di JALAN TOL)
karena masih mulus tambah 10 jt (yah, boleh lah...)
karena bekas dipake hkr kurang 5 jt (apa boleh buat...reputasi pemiliknya gak meyakinkan..)

total2... 10 jt lah harga 2nd nya :D

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gilee... kok bisa murah gitu
jelas2 nissan itu pas keluar.. jauh diatas bmw kok harganya :)

At 4:57 PM, Blogger boy said...

ya jelas murah dong...kan saya sudah kasih perhitungan logisnya dengan memperhitungkan efek inflasi dan economic costnya...dengan menggunakan moving average dan analisa teknikal sekuritas

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kalau ada yg mau beli si putih
cuma butuh sedikit perbaikan aja kok,

1. jok diganti
2. stir harus diganti (dah oglek)
3. sistem pembakaran bensin ganti (pertamax ke premium)
4. bemper depan di dempul dikit
5. ban harus beli 1 lagi.. saya cuma pake 4 ban (alias ga ada cadangan)
6. aki harus diganti tuh, biar ga dorong2 pas pagi2
7. dicek mesinnya, dah 2 tahun ga pernah dinyalain dan ga ada yg pake

ehh.. banyak juga ya :)

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Api said...

waah.. kalo gitu harganya jatuh jadi 5jt doang dong :D

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tawarannya kok murah2 semua... masa lebih murah dari motor sih... ntar aja.. kalau saya pulang, si putih mau dimodif, tapi bukan modifikasi yg norak, luar biasa aja, tapi dalam makin bagus dan tenaga mesin saya optimalkan lagi..

btw...peraturan baru, mesin >1800 cc harus pake pertamax ya.. :(


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