i woke up late 2day... almost missed subuh hehehe...
anyway, i timed everything 2make sure i wudnt b late 2d office...
but when i entered d bathroom, somethin was wrong.. the water leaked from d toilet (d place wher water is stored).. i thought wat d heck.. i'll fix it when i get back home 2nite.. so i did my "morning ritual" n flushed d toilet.. 2my dismay, d water didnt stop pouring and it was no longer leaking... but overflowing! i duno if it's a "new-house" problem thing coz i didnt xperience problems dis much @my old place.. or is it just bcoz those people dat built d house r professional nincumpoops? actually ive experienced it @my old place, but only after living ther for 9yrs! anywho... i opened d toilet n studied d mechanism coz while d concept is d same, d design is hardly similar (y is ther no standard wit these things??)..
There it is in normal condition..
within 30mnts i solved d problem but not b4 d floor was flooded..by this time i was already late so i decided 2mop d floor 2nite nbathed then left for work..
the road was empty... whoopee!! i thought... i thought too soon... i was just 2cars away from d railroad crossing in bintaro and a train was about 2pass so i had 2stop... it took forever for the train to pass and lots of motorcyclist and pedestrieans crossed d railroad.. even when the sign to stop was up! in my head i was cursing...: damn train! taking so long! argh u dumb motorcyclist!! cant u c d sign??? but deep down in my heart (or head) ther was this small whisper.. barely unheard, but if i listen closely.. it's saying "yes...cross the railroad u dumb motorcycle.. die away u engine.. " or "slip u pedestrian.. get ur feet stuck on d rail.." and "come on train... nows d time..hit them.. hit them...." This is normal, right??
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