
Monday, August 29, 2005

aah... another traffic-free monday morning as usual..40mnts(23km) 2d office :) when mondays r considered a hell day, i find it 2b d most traffic-free day of d week.. i'll share some tricks for the road:

  1. monday-wednesday, always leave between 7am..7.30 would b d ideal time 2get out of d house..thursday n friday, try leaving earlier.. 6.30am is d ideal time but u can still leave @8am n hav little traffic..but never leave past 8.30am!
  2. go through as little traffic lights as u can and if possible, always find roads wher u r goin against traffic.
these 2tips can only work when ur office is on the outskirts of business centers and ur working hour starts at 9am.. which means it is only possible if:
  1. u r very very lucky to have found a working place like that..
  2. u own a company thus u can decide its location and working hours huehehehehe...!
btw... congrats 2a dear friend (dont worry i wont link ur blog ;p) who just had a great date..
movies, reserved dinner, and a night stroll on monas park... only one element missing hehehe but i'd say he did his homework, eh? ;) i guess he has dis undying luv 4u hahaha considering 5years.. hehehe..
just remember wat i said (the one correlated 2d date.. not the other story hahaha)


end of post, 5 comments


At 11:58 AM, Blogger siti rosman said...

Hi Api!

Yep, just wanna say hi, that's it. Have a nice day.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Alveta said...

parah juga junk-nya...

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

asli junk2 ga mutu.. mendingan baca postingan saya aja bukan pi? :D

saya mencari 8 tema.. dah berhari2 berpikir dan bermeditasi.. sayangnya hanya nemu 3 tema.. (saat2 kritis, ancaman bahaya, dan benda pusaka), 5 tema lagi belum ketemu :(... bisa bantu cari.. masing2 tema itu ada 4 subtema.. saat ini baru "saat2 kritis" yg sudah lengkap ke-4 subtemanya..

At 12:58 PM, Blogger pomponette! said...

just curious bout 'the other story'...

(numpang ketawa)

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Api said...

~grr... awas aja ya...


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