
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Thank You............
Excuse Me..............
I'm Sorry.............

How difficult is it for these three words to come out of your mouth !?!?!?
If you feel any difficulty in saying these three words, then I pity you...

end of post, 15 comments


At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

percaya deh itu susah banget loh......

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Api said...

then i pity you.. haha...
ga susah kok..
setiap ada org yg membantu, bilang terima kasih...
kalo mau lewat, bilang permisi.. sebelum bertanya, bilang permisi/maaf..
kalo merasa bersalah, tinggal bilang maaf..

susahnya dimana?

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dgn mundur2 semuanya bisa beres...

At 5:20 PM, Blogger Api said...

mundur mundur banyak terima kasih?

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Api said...
mundur mundur banyak terima kasih?

kenapa pi? mundur2 apa hubungannya dgn terima kasih?

saran saya:
jgn sampai telat minum obatnya... ;D

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Api said...

entah... itu kan ajarannya guru HKR... apakah dengan cara itu jadi gampang mendapat wanita? saya selalu mengikuti langkah apapun yang diambil guru HKR agar sebisa mungkin dapat mendekati kemampuan guru menggaet wanita..

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:44 PM, Blogger boy said...


(memulai serangan junk)

At 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


btw, dah pada dengerin lagunya Nelly? judulnya "N Dey Say" (and they say)

(sorry kalau lyric nya aga slang bhsnya)
i used to think that life had a plan for me...
until i realized life had to be planned by me...
see that's the key i only deal wit what i can see...
cuz over history, mystery brought us nothin but misery...
man more people done died in the name of the Lord...
then in any natural disaster, disease or gang wars...
before guns they was swords and they was killin each other...
And what's changed to this day still killin each other...
killin a brother while another mother cries for help...
man, we need to help a brother find himself..
feed 'em light 1, 2, 3
hey that's somethin every brother should see...
and thats fo' real,...

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