
Monday, April 24, 2006

In the Presence of Greatness
The ANUGERAH Business Review 2006
- Sentra Mulia Hotel-
Friday, April 21, 2006
I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to attend the Awards at Hotel Mulia last Friday. As a partner of Business Review, I, on behalf of Avevo Dinamika, was given a free invitation. Unlike the BUMN Awards (also held by Business Review) last year, the Anugerah Business Review Awards was very high-class. Held at the Hotel Mulia Ballroom, the invitees were from the Upper Management (Directors and Commisioners).

I was truly humbled being in the same room as the Directors of United Tractors, Wijaya Karya, Telkom, ANTAM, Holcim, ASTRA Otoparts, Bukit Asam, Bank NISP, ASKES, Angkasa Pura, Bank Mandiri, Waskita, Gajah Tunggal, Oracle, General Electric ( the amazing Mrs. Hermian Retnani Sarengat) and so many more directors and CEOs of various State Owned Companies and Emmitents.

The event wasn't just a lame award ceremony, but there were also high-quality discussions. The topic of the first discussion was Good Governance with speakers from CEO of Telkom, Wijaya Karya, and ANTAM. The second discussion consisted of speakers from CEO of Wijaya Karya (again), Bank NISP, and Pegadaian. These two discussions were moderated by Mr. Tonny Roland Silitonga. The last discussion was moderated by Mrs. Hermian R. Sarengat (CEO of GE) with speakers from HR Director of Wijaya Karya, Telkom, and United Tractor with the topic focusing on HR Development as a key success factor in global competition.

The discussions were several degrees above my level and I just couldnt help being overwhelmed with awe. They really are remarkable people. The awards itself was not as dramatic since the winners can be guessed. With 13 categories, Telkom closed the evening by winning the Best Corporate Award. No matter how dirty or how bad their image is, they still hold 80% of the market of telecommunications in Indonesia despite competitors popping up. Their strong fundamentals and witty policies can be reflected by the rise of the value of their stock which has increased 5 folds in the last 3 years.

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