
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Its 6pm on saturday, may 27 '06.
in approximately 5 hours from now, and exorcism ritual will take place in my house to get rid of genies (jin) that lives in the large bamboo tree (over 2 storeys high) in the back. this is what has happened so far constructed in a linier timeline:
  1. a couple of years ago, before my parents bought the land where our house now stands, 7 evil genies that lived in the bamboo tree were caught and cast away. Our former chauffer had the task of driving the genies to their (hopefully) final destination. "they were very heavy. the truck i drove them on could barely move", he recollected.
  2. when we bought the land, we were told about the genies in the bamboo.
  3. the construction workers were often "bothered" with door knockings, window rappings from empty rooms during the construction of the house.
  4. when we moved in, the first thing i noticed was that even on a wind-less day, the bamboo tree kept on swaying.
  5. about 2 weeks after completely settling in the house, a genie attacked me. It attacked twice during the night and i had to be on my highest guard to defend myself. this genie had a dark aura and uncharacteristically sent shivers down my spine.
  6. a couple of weeks later, a genie showed me its form. i think this one was different from the one that attacked me. it gave me an alarming feeling, but not as dark as the other one. it crawled on the wall and moved over the door, blocking the exit. it watched me for some time. i pretended i was unable to see it. when it crawled to another side of the wall, leaving the door unguarded, i jumped off my bed, opened the door right away, and sprinted downstairs. thankfully it didnt follow me down, and i felt it move from my room back to the bamboo tree. i looked at the clock and it showed two hours after midnight.
  7. after a long time, a genie attacked me. i still do not yet know which one, or how it did it. the last two experiences, i felt the genie's aura and woke up fully alerted. this time it caught me by surprise and i was not prepared. it was around midnight and i started laughing out of nowhere. i couldnt control myself. i was possesed. i started talking gibberish and sent an sms to a friend explicitly claiming that i was crazy. i regained control of myself not long after. but it was the embarassment of trying to explain to the friend about what had really happened.
  8. the following day i came up to the tree and insulted it. i was saying things like "come on and face me if u dare, stop sneaking up and using sissy methods". if u saw me, u'd probably think i was crazy +lol+
  9. i was never bothered again. but my family were still bothered.
  10. a genie immitated my father's voice and spoke to my mom when he was out of town on an assignment.
  11. last sunday (may 21) night i attended a wedding. around 8pm, my parents heard the floor being knocked from my cousin's room (my cousin lives at my house) which is exactly above my parent's room. the knocking became louder and at 9pm, my parents couldnt stand it and got out of bed with the intention of scolding my cousin. boy were they surprised to find my cousin watching tv downstairs. the 2nd floor was empty.
  12. the next day (may 22) i was very tired and fell asleep very early (around 8pm). my cousin as usual was watching tv downstairs. suddenly he and my parents heard a loud noise (again coming from my cousin's room). i didnt hear anything coz when i sleep, i really sleep hehe. my cousin recalled it sounded like someone fell in his room. my parents went out of the room coz they thought my cousin fell or something. that was the last straw.
  13. my mom searched for paranormals to get rid of the genie(s). it turns out one of her staff has such abilities. when told of our house's location, the paranormal exclaimed that the genies in that area are very powerful and he needed to bring several friends as back up. we were told that the exorcism will be performed saturday night from 11pm. the proceedings should end from 2 to 6 hours depending on the genies' strength.
  14. for a long time now ive had major headaches. i never thought this correlated to the genies until i found out that everyone had been experiencing throbbing headaches. it turns out my parents went to several medical checkups to find out what was the cause but they never found anything wrong. the paranormal said that regular headaches occur because the genies often pass through our bodies which produce headaches as a side effect.
  15. this afternoon my mom and i bought several food items to help the process. during the exorcism, we are not allowed to sleep. we have to eat grapes, dates, and klengkeng (wats d english word?). these fruits will provide us with strength to repel the genies. we must also be alert and never blank out to keep the genies from entering our mind and taking over our body.
  16. the paranormal called and said he could only find one friend to help. he is currently on his way to check out my house and the genie to see whether the 2 of them are sufficient to complete the job.
from what i can tell and feel, the tree may be full of genies. a cousin had this problem once. he had a tree where a kingdom of genies lived. there was a king and all.. the whole package. there were practically hundreds of genies that lived on his tree and it took a very powerful paranormal to get rid of them. just hope our problem is not as serious or dangerous. wouldnt want bamboo sticks flying into the windows.

end of post, 1 comments


At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

semoga sukses.....
tapi yakin kan bukan lu jin nya? hehehe....


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