Monday, December 26, 2005
Ok... this is gonna b another narnia review on the movie.. since ther r so many reviews, i'll make this one short.
Wat i liked: the cgi. the cgi quality was
most of the time consistent, very detailed, and animative.
Wat was lacking: the acting. im not blaming the actors since it is difficult to play the roles, especially edmund. i tot edmund was the most flawed one.. the problem i found was that if u didnt read the book, u cannot get the feel of the condition. such as i doubt many understood by watching only that once u took something given by the witch, u r under her spell and grow more evil with time.. and at the same time fears anything connected to aslan. ther r other similar scenes wher u'd only understand after reading the book.
another flaw was the background. the animations wer mostly high-quality, but the background images are mostly quite bad. u can tell of the different layers in the movie.. i guess they ran out of budget on the animations that the background was sacrificed hehe..
well, that covers my opinion. not all, but just those that i havent read in any other reviews hehe..
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so who should b under the scope for awesome movies next year? well u can count in Paramount Pictures. owned by Viacom, this movie making machine already owns Nickelodeon, MTV networks and BET. with the plan to split PP into 2 companies (Paramount Pictures and Paramount Home Entertainment), it is already more than a formidable challenge for other movie making companies.
But now... theyve just mergered (soft word for taking over) with 20th century fox and just bought Dreamworks SKG for $1.6 billion! this means they now own Dreamworks's movie collection such as Saving Private Ryan, American Beauty, Almost Famous, and Catch Me if U Can.. and of course, the Shrek series. But I think their most valuable asset would be they now literally OWN mr. David Geffen and Steven Spielberg (dis man needs no introduction).
With all that money and resources under 1 roof, i can hardly wait to see their next movie project.. dont u agree?
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Ive been wanting to write this 4a while but always forgot whenever i open d blog.. anyways...:
Ever check out the logo on a honda jazz? notice anything missing? yup! almost all of jazzes in jakarta is missing the
dot above the
j. ever wonder y? its a genius marketing plan by thieves!
Something similar happened to toyota kijangs sometime ago.. suddenly out of the blue, a part of the logo was missing from all kijangs.. about a month later, they started popping up in black markets like Taman Puring and Senen.. Of course the price was sky high. See? this is called "creating ur own market" with a twist hahaha...
and now the same thing is happeningg to honda jazz.. in a couple of days, suddenly all jazz have lost their dot! d demand for those dots are quite high now n surely it wont be long b4 the dots start appearing in black markets *lol*
so if uve just bought a new jazz or plan to buy one, dont forget to take off the dot b4 thieves get to it 1st! when the dots start reappearing, then u can stick it on again.. and if they dont reappear, it would b better coz then if u wer 2sell ur jazz, u can say "it still has the dot" and reap an extra million or two rupiahs hehehe...
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
What started as a buzz, ended in a bust...
Notice: most names are aliases to protect the integrity of those involved.. in other words, to keep their reputation haha..
last saturday nite the plan was to party till u drop @Fashion Bar, @EX Plaza Indonesia. my fren yono had provided 20 free passes! there were 16 of us.. 3 regulars didnt come; liza fell asleep, sally had family events 2attend, kalista was in semarang (she kept sms-ing me asking wher she cud eat n party in smg haha)..
anyway, 10 of us met b4 d party @buzz cafe in Pondok Indah.. i heard of d place but never been ther.. it was a lux cafe.. located in a PI house, the place was humongous. a cafe on d 1st floor, n disco on d 2nd.. when i saw d menu, my heart skipped a beat. wat kinda price list is that!?!? well i wasnt expecting 2spend any money dat nite anyway.. i mean, i only brought IDR 30k dat nite! hahaha..
so @buzz i just sat there.. the only person dat ordered wer dini, adhit, arman, n mimi.. a sandwich and 3drinks cost about IDR200k..well after all 10 of us wer complete, we got d hell outta ther n went 2fashion bar..
we arrived @10.30.. we then met up with 3 girls from our group(another group of SMU70 alumni haha); dita, astrid, n df.. after entering, we then met up with another group (2guys,1gurl(also alumnis of SMU70 hihihi..)); adi, nasrul, n putri. these 4 girls r d "i dont smoke, i drink types"..
the party was scheduled 2start @12.30am so when d music was lousy, i tot "wat d heck.. give d DJ a chance.." @12.30 the sexy dancers started their thing.. but i dunno y, they wernt sexy dat nite.. so i had a feeling it wasnt gonna b a good nite.. then the gay L-men models started their catwalk around 1am.. still the music was lousy..
it wasnt the rythm's problem.. it was the DJ.. he kept on changing the rythm n tempo of the beat, confusing every1.. just when u start getting into the rythm, it changes n u hav 2start back from zero.. it was just not fun 2 dance 2.. i thought it was just me, but when i talked 2some frens, they agreed.. so the party was a bust n dini, adhit, peach, arman went home.. mimi also left, but she said she was goin 2nu china.. dis upseted yono.. moreover, mimi left with two guys which upset yono more..
the only ones dancing was astrid n nasrul.. the rest danced when d music was rite.. which was quite rare since the rythm changed evry 5minutes! putri didnt dance at all.. "didnt feel like it" she said.. so she just went back n forth 2d bar 4some drinks.. in the end, she just stood by d bar n ordered drinks after drinks after drinks..
yono ended pretty drunk, putri seemed normal (damn she's strong!), yordan was half drunk, the rest wer bored.. the only fun moments wer seeing dumb fully drunken people haha.. a guy was drunk sleeping on d table n fell flat faced on the floor. n he still didnt move hehehe.. they had to "kick" him up, then dragged him to an armchair in d back..
anyway.. the party was a bust n i left around 2.30am.. the only reason i stayed dat long was out of gratitude n sorry 4yono.. he gave us free passes, we expected d party 2b like @Gillian's n when it was a bust, some of d group left.. n d 1 person he had been expecting 2enjoy d nite with, left wit 2guys 2another party.. man dats gotta hurt..
well, next week is @retro.. dunno if i'll come.. but hopefully it'll be more like Gillian's than @F-bar..
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A Balancing Act
last friday nite i sms-ed a friend n asked wher he was gonna go dat nite coz d plans i had wit my usual party frens was a bust. he replied "im makin d [course_name] final exam and preparing the material for a seminar 2morrow.. put that on ur blog!"
hehehe it seems dat some of his students read my post of friday madness hihihihi...
okay.. okay.. i'll write somethin good bout him..
hmm.. lets see.....
nope! cant think of anythin!
hehehe just kidin.. here's somethin good bout him 2 balance wat ive written b4 hehe...
i knew dis guy in high school.. he's only been in indonesia about 3yrs all his life. two of them spent in 2nd n 3rd grade highschool. he wasnt exactly wat u'd want as a "role model" 4ur kids hehehe... he was involved in all sorts of trouble as a high-schooler n when we talk about it now, it is a wonder he's still alive n well now hahaha...
which was y i was shocked 2hear d news dat he became a lecturer. i had 2c dis wit my own eyes.. i mean, wat would d future of indonesia b if a guy like him taught @a highly respected university hehe.. many high school pals wondered the same as was expressed in the mail list haha.. anyway, my opinion of him changed d day i stopped by his office n had a pretty good chat wit him..
during his college years in d states, he felt dat teaching was his calling.. he received his bachelor in 4years.. he said he wasnt talented in programming but somehow his head clicked whenever programming with Java. During his bachelor years he had become an assistant lecturer of d Java programming class. This ability of his became a blessing bcoz he was then given a full-paid scholarship to get his master degree in exchange for him teaching Java in the university. he completed his master in a year and returned 2 indonesia. From the dean in his university he received a LoC to the Fasilkom dean and thus was how he became a lecturer.
When i chatted wit his dad, it seemed he was proud of his son.. he said "he is a miracle.. he used 2get into fights, nearly always last in class ranking.. its a miracle wat he's achieved.." he spoke with a bit of emotional mood.. it was as if he had expected his son to b a big failure in the family hahahahaha..
anywho... dis fren of mine is now considered successful.. he owns two companies (one of them co-owned with me) a lecturer in a highly respected faculty in a highly respected university, good connections in the biz world, and has a number of women collection spread accross the world hahaha.. australia, china, and singapore to name a few.. the latter would make a GREAT group conversation discussion huahahaha!!! oyeah n of course he also has a girl in indonesia.. hehehe.. how much more success can u ask 4?
so there! hope that balances the nu china posting haha..
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Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Damn IT!
after months without showing itself, IT attacked again last nite.. but last nite was different.. IT didnt attack ferociously, but it influenced me and took some control over my body.. I was totally unaware of IT's actions.. all i knew was that I suddenly started talking nonsense and laughing.. and i did a very embarassing thing.. i reached out 4my cellphone and sms-ed a friend.. the content of the sms was basically me admitting that i was crazy..
it was freaky.. I knew what i was doing.. I knew i was talking nonsense and sent a very dumb, not to mention embarassing sms.. but i had no control.. IT attacked around midnite.. 11.30pm 2b exact.. and I havent slept since.. this new type of attack is quite creepy.. I'll have to find a way to fight back next time..
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Monday, December 05, 2005
Saturday Night Blast
*Notice: most names are aliases to protect the integrity of those involved.. in other words, to keep their reputation haha..
Saturday nite.. a party by Star-Mild Cool Menthol (Find the G-Spot inside).. the place? Gillian's Bar @ Plasa Semanggi..
Yono works @bentoel, a leading ciggarette company that owns the Star-Mild brand, n told us bout the party.. sexy dancers, lingerie models, and L-Men fashion show.. its a series of party actually.. from late november till next week (free tickets next week too hehehe).. we met at Dutch Family Resto (
ive reviewed d place here) at 8pm.. it was "bring ur friends" kinda gathering.. the gang were:
guys: yono, my little bro aga, my cousin yordan, n arman
gals: kalista, sally, dini(the pimp mama hehe), liza, peach, mimi, n yuni
*just 4d record, yono has a crush on mimi hihihi..
most of us havent partied lately n the gals, well mostly kalista hehe, was like "lets get crazy 2nite!" we headed 2 Gillian's about 10pm.. the nite was young, but yono had a wicked deadline the next day so he said his limit was 12am.. bcoz he didnt bring a car, me being a (ehem) good friend, said "i'll drop u off".. we knew our time together was limited, so we decided the hell with it n just started partying tho the party was not hot yet.. our gang of 11 sat on a seat reserved 4some1 else n started to dance 2d beat.. every1 felt they needed a boost, so beer was ordered.. the drinks that came after was basically crazy.. i mean ther was beer, whisky, champagne, whatever came our way..
except me of course.. ehem.. im not saying dis as a defence in case a fellow colleague or fasilkomer read this.. ehem.. but rily.. ehem.. believe me.. ehem.. i didnt take any alcohol.. u believe me, rite? :D
the alcohol started kickin in n i dunno from whom, but our group got a free bottle of whisky. so everyone.. err.. except for i of course (grin).. took a couple gulps or more :D
man, i gotta tell u.. the girls wer wild! i mean it.. excessive clothings came off n they basically rocked! they danced in ways that would make men rather die than hav to watch in agony.. but thats wats cool about them.. we kno we're frens.. we kno our limits.. we kno whose single, who's not.. so we never go 2 far wit each other (sometimes running on the border tho haha)
dat nite mimi was quite drunk tho she didnt pass out.. d rest of d gals wer also quite high tho still under their control limit..and we didnt leave at 12am.. the gang wouldnt let yono go home till 1am.. but the thing dat kept him from leaving was his crush.. she asked him not 2go.. no matter what the beat of the nite was, they both were dancing slow, holding tightly to each other.. romantic actually.. but the circumstances kept them both pondering whether that was their true feelings, or was it just the alcohol kickin in..
so the nite passed wit the love birds in each other's arms, guys lining up to "get acquainted" wit kalista, me tryin 2b a matchmaker between dini n my cousin (hehe).. kalista, sally, liza, yuni, n i just kept movin n changin partners.. my bro n cousin wer still feeling a bit alienated so they rarely join in.. dats normal since it was d 1st time they met my frenz.. 1st times r always awkward.. i remember meeting sally n liza d 1st time (breaking the fast @an orphanage).. it was awkward.. meeting kalista @PI d 1st time... also awkward.. but the 2nd n 3rd time, u blend in more n more n u let them enter ur comfort zone.. hehe.. oops.. starting to stray off topic.. hehe..
anyway, we (my cousin, my bro, yono, n i) finally left at 1.30am.. i dropped yono off @his house in radio dalam n arrived home around 2.30.. every1 but me could sleep.. not sure y, but i think it was the fast-paced-beat.. my mind is telling me to sleep, but the body is unwilling.. i tried reading a rily boring book, did some office work, cleaned the house, even jogging! i gave up trying @7am.. i was finally able 2get some zzz's on sunday nite around 11pm.. haha major weekend insomnia..
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Friday Madness @ Nu China
friday was a boring day.. had to do some paperwork to finish with kominfo.. the damn bureaucracy took 6hours to complete! from 9am to 3.30pm, it was all about signatures, date adjusting, contract content.. the scenario deals and such.. all just for a show on a(many actually) piece of paper.. like i mentioned..
BOOOOORIIING... so i called up 2 friends(ijul+wono) n decided 2meet @blokM around 9pm.. i then went home, n took a shower.. we ended up cancelling blokM n met at baba's place @kemang..
it was about 10pm when i arrived and met ijul.. she was at a table wit her "guy-pals" but decided to move to a table way back with me.. we gossiped, chit chatted while waiting 4wono.. it was getting boring.. we eventually played cards.. so pathetic.. wono finally made it around 11pm.. after chatting a while,we decided it was time 2heat it up, so we went to a discotheque, NU CHINA.. it was 12am so the place was packed, there wer lines outside and we lined up.. wats cool about the place is dat people get in sober, get out drunk.. they stagger outside, yet in front of the place is a police station! haha.. their backup must b a rily strong figure..
we entered about 10minutes after queing and met a couple of high-school friends (SMU 70 githu lho..).. and then.. what surprised us was who we met.. a lecturer! hahaha! a lecturer @NU CHINA!! hehehe.. he said if any of his students saw him, he'd b forced 2give them A's *lol*
we had 2stand up since sitting down means u'd have to spend at least IDR 1.5mil on drinks! hehe.. basically we just let the music vibrate our muscless while watching the messed-up people there haha. a girl was kissing any guy she could hold, people dancing on seats n tables, drinking-dares, a guy walking staggeringly saying "this is cool..isnt this cool?" to every1 he passes by.. it was HILARIOUS! haha.. 1 thing u dont wanna visit in places like this is the restroom.. probably filled with puke and people laying on the floor by that time..
anyway, we didnt stay too long to save energy for a party the next day.. hehehe.. saturday nite is gonna be a blast. so i dropped ijul at her house n friday madness was over.. check out the blog for a report on a much more wild party sat.nite.. hehehe..
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Thursday, December 01, 2005
I am a fan of morning sport news.. 6am on AnTV, 6.30am on TV7, and 7.30am on MetroTV...
this morning, i was shocked at what i heard on the AnTV sport news... The report was about the SEA Games in the Phillipines..
"The most hopeful indonesian athletic sprinter for a gold in the SEA Games after two golds at two Asian athletic events this year, Jhon Murray, came out a
loser and only won a silver medal.
After 4 events, one where in the men's estafet 400m Indonesia was disqualified for Jhon's neglegence, Jhon only received a silver medal and lost to a Phillipine sprinter."
The camera closed-up on the Papua-born man as he apologized after his run. Almost in tears he said "Im sorry... Im so sorry... Indonesia spent money to bring me here and I couldnt get the gold.." He turned around and walked away head hung low..
I do not know who Jhon Murray was... I do not know how much Indonesia spent on taking athletes to the SEA Games (40% were probably corrupted anyways) ... What struck me most was how can a TV station call an athlete that gave his all (even if far from his best) a LOSER?! I nearly cried seeing his interview.. Failure is normal in life.. Because in order to win, others must lose.. Maybe he was overconfident after winning the Asian events.. Maybe.. all a maybe.. What if it was a health problem that made him unable to perform optimally?
I feel sorry for him and his family... Im sure his family are heartbroken hearing him being called a loser.. A life as an athlete is hard enough though not being called a loser. I resent that report.. and as a protest, today will be the last time I watch the show.
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