Sunday, July 31, 2005
Half of last week (thur,fri,sat) I didnt go to office.. The week was filled with cleaning n moving into my new house.. Do u kno how hard it is 2scrub a floor with 6months of dirt, cement, paint all over it? Haha it takes about 5minute just 2 scrub 1tile.. And if cleaning wasn't enuf, we decided we wouldnt use hired help to move our things.. we had 2Kijangs @our disposals.. almost everything was not dat hard 2 move.. we just had 2tie the tables,chairs, beds wheter inside or above d car.. so it just took time n energy..
Ther was an xception of course.. The huge book rack "slash" document holders "slash" tv table... In my former house, d length n size covered a whole wall... so i got d drill, n started taking it all down 2 pieces.. all xcept d 2pillars dat keeps d rack intact.. d boards wer ez.. took only 2drives...
but the pillars had 2b lifted slowly 2 d car.. only half of it could b inserted in d car so to keep it from tilting, we put weight (mainly books) over it.. each car can only fit 1pillar so it took 2drives..
After bringing it all 2d new home, comes d hard part.. putting it all back 2gether... D plan was dat d rack was supposed 2b on d 2nd floor.. Of course every1 was reluctant 2lift d damn thing haha... so it was decided 2b put in d living room... D pillars, board n racks wernt difficult @all.. took only bout an hour or so.. The "cupboard doors" proved more of a challenge.. By dis time, it was 10pm n my uncle went home n i was on my own bcoz my brother injured his toes n it was bleeding madly.. N it was bcoz of stupidity... He was playin wit a sword, swingin it about, n it slipped n fell on his toes wakaka... anywho... ther i was tryin 2 hold d cupboard door wit my left hand n d drill on my right, standing on my toes on a ladder... any1 dat has tried dis will understand my problems haha.. on d second door my arms r aching n my eyes covered in sweat.. It was a good thing d bamboo tree behind my house was dancing frantically bringin breeze thru d window.. The ghosts inhabiting d tree must b havin a party (i'll tell d story bout d haunted tree next time :p)...
The whole xcruciating process ended @ 11.30pm.. Yahoo...!! D rack is done!
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Stress test...
for an objective result, test in normal conditions...
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
women love in order to be loved..
men love to possess love...
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Monday, July 25, 2005
What is reality?
When I first think of it, I remember a movie starring
Demi Moore about her not being able to differentiate which is reality, her dreams or her reality? is her reality really the reality? or could her reality be a dream that she wakes from? and is her dream really a dream? or is it in fact the real reality?
This is what i've been feeling for a long time..
Creepy? I think so.. My dreams are so realistic that I sometimes think of them as real. Sure there are times when a dream is so unbeliavable that I realize in my dream that it is a dream and wake up right away.
But more than often, the dreams are so real that I wake up and act on that dream.. For instance, in a dream some1 sms-ed me.. When I wake up, I might suddenly reach 4my cellphone n replied his/her message. So for those who have received bewildering sms from me b4 6am, it was probably bcoz of a dream i had =)) I guess that is why I remember almost all my dreams.. I still remember what i dreamt in high school... or when I first entered Fasilkom.. The dreams I had last week, last nite...
But doesnt that make u wonder..? What is reality? Are our dreams really a dream? Or maybe one of them is the reality and we're in a dream at this instant? Who knows something out of the ordinary will happen and I'll realize that this is a dream and wake up from it...
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This man has inspired me 2write quite a few poems.. Just thought I'd post 1 of his poems :)
WOMANS CONSTANCYNow thou hast lov'd me one whole day,
To morrow when thou leav'st, what wilt thou say?
Wilt thou then Antedate some new made vow?
Or say that now
We are not just those persons, which we were?
Or, that oathes made in reverentiall feare
Of Love, and his wrath, any may forsweare?
Or, as true deaths, true maryages untie,
So lovers contracts, images of those,
Binde but till sleep, deaths image, them unloose?
Or, you owne end to Justifie,
For having purpos'd change, and falsehood; you
Can have no way but falsehood to be true?
Vaine lunatique, against these scapes I could
Dispute, and conquer, if I would,
Which I abstaine to doe,
For by to morrow, I may thinke so too.
-John Donne (1572-1631)-
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
How much of control do we have over our lives?
close to zero maybe? ok, here's a
2centsfrom early in the morning.. when u wake up n take a shower.. what things r out of ur control? The corrupted PLN loses power n ur house's electricity is shut down maybe.. or just when u were "uploading", or doing ur "morning ritual"(*chuckle) a very important person calls and needs2speak 2u?..
and then.. what could go wrong..? out of the blue, ur favorite cat jumps on d table n starts 2 drink ur milk? nibble ur breakfast? mayb u ride the office shuttle-bus n 4 some reason it arrives early? or if u use public transportation suddenly it rains? a car speeds by and splashes mud all over ur clothes?
what about me who most of d time drive2work? how is it possible (4 example dis week) that on tuesday i went2d office n d road was empty? n then d next day it swelling with a sea of loud-honking bastards? or how bout 2day when on d way 2d office d tires started 2feel a bit flat so i pulled over n found not
ONE, not
TWO, not even
THREE, but
FOUR nails stuck on my left front tire!! my right tire was a little flat also but i didnt bring enough cash to have it checked out :p
i've written so much n its still early in d morning haha.... well u get d picture, right?
so, what powers do we have over our lives? whats d point of organizing things? maybe a little bit is ok, but how bout those "Monica-Friends" types?
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This is related to a posting on a friend's blog :)
"....a man can bypass the 'process of inevitably' that usually leads to orgasm followed by the ejaculation response.
Orgasm and ejaculation are not the same event. Orgasms are emotional energetic reflexes. They are often the desired effect of arousal, consisting of waves of intensely pleasurable emotional and physical sensation often accompanied by involuntary bodily muscular movements. In contrast, ejaculation is a glandular reflex including the sensation of crossing a physiological 'threshold' triggering a series of automatic contractions of the prostate gland to expel seminal fluid......"
since orgasm != ejaculation, then
yes, we men can fake it too hehe ;)
"HOW"? well too bad im not a rat *chuckles...*
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Friday, July 22, 2005
A Helluva Week!
last week we decided to bid for a project.. since the project owner was an international non profit organization, we went for it believing it wouldnt be the monkey-business kinda project tender..
the only problem was the deadline was only a week away(21st july,4pm)..!! plus the consortium details wernt discussed yet. so last saturday,
boy n i started writing the basics.. the plan was to finish the whole thing by wednesday so on thursday(deadline) we just needed to review the contents..
monday we went 2our future partners..the progress was very slow(not our fault of course ;p).. on tuesday we planned to discuss $$$ issues (the most fun part of all).. the proposal was almost completed by then(70%)... but again the progress was slow (thou faster than monday) so we only touched the topic of $$$.. politics of course...
wednesday we wer prepared 4a full blown deadlock in $$$ issues, made some backup plans...u kno.. how much ur willing 2lose n such.. (if u've taken negotiation classes u'll know dis).. turns out their offer was not far off from our initial offer... haha it only took 5mnts.. with that outta the way, with the now completed (90%) proposal, we were optimistic everything would go as planned. just as we wer heading home (6pm), i received an sms from d partner stating som things on d proposal dat need fixing..
so dat nite i only slept from 9-11pm, tried 2fix d prop. n headed 2 d meeting place @7am... we then started multitasking (printing and adding missing administrative things).. some things went well, quite a few didnt.. ther was some panic and print mistakes which i think wasted 100 or so printing papers.. the whole proposal and its copies took about 500papers...the whole printing n packaging finally finished @2pm! yikes! only 2hours left to deadline.. so wenang n i went to central jkt to submit d proposal... i think he had some heartattacks from my driving :))
we made it!! after missing the building n having to make another turnaround, we delivered the proposal in T-45mnts! :D my plan was to go home right away and take some needed zzz's, but the temptation of Frozenthrone was too much..
so i went home @8pm and slept rite away with no dinner...
and here i am in the office the next day, finally getting a chance to blog again.. he he..
the past 2weeks may hav been hectic, but it was a really enjoyable kinda hectic... and now all i can do is cross my fingers and hope 4d best... *grin
well... back to the SSDD (SameShitDifferentDay) routines... sigh..
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Broken promises..
i've just thought about this lately.. "how can people make promises so easily and never fulfilling them?" Just agreeing to do somethin is considered promising right? even something as little as writing a friendster testimonial... how many times have i heard "i'll write u testimonial if u write me one.." (and no, im not writing this to get testimonials)..
most of the times, even small promises like that are broken.. its not a biggie, i kno.. wats a testimonial worth anyway... but hav u considered how a person feels when u break ur promise? how do u feel if some1 broke a promise to u? maybe ur boy/girfriend promised to call 2nite.. but somehow s/he didnt.. (im also a sinner of sorry.. (damn u frozenthrone!)) how would u feel after waiting the whole night for a call dat didnt come...? dissapointment? anger? unimportant?
so it just got me thinking.. how many small promises have i broken? do i still have time to keep the promise? have i apologized for them? is it still possible 4me 2make it up?
oyeah.. this blog also goes out to all that have broken (or havent yet fulfilled) at least one promise to me...hehehe
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Independent Women
In this era of emancipation, independent women have been
trouble for us guys.. Eits! dont start getting defensive on this one :) what i mean by "trouble" is this..A guy is supposed to act gentlemanly, have good ettiquette, and so on and so on.. but women nowadays don't respond to those acts.. they want to be independent.. they dont want us to open the doors, hold their books, drive their cars, etc.. so they dont let us act gentlemanly, but we are dubbed un-gentleman when we dont do those things.. So what what are we, guys trying to act like a gentleman, to do?
So far, this is the solution i can come up with; Act gentlemanly without asking questions on little things. With other gentlemanly actions, ask first and back-off if she disapproves. Xamples:
- Going through a door->Hold out doors (no need for permission)
- About to sit at a table->Pull out her chair (no need for permission)
- She has books in her hand-> Ask permission to hold her books, back-off if she says she can handle it
- She brings a car-> ask whether she'd like u2 drive d car, back-off if she says she wants 2drive it
- Going home and its raining outside-> Tell her 2wait while u get the car from the parking lot, don't argue if she'd rather run in the rain 2gether
And many more examples.. Hmm.. are my methods of approach to this whole gentleman, emancipation thing correct? Dunno :p at least i havent had any complaints so far... :p
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Last night i did something i havent done in quite a long time.. i wrote a poem! :D
This poem is connected to a posting ive made b4.. I havent made up a title yet.. maybe i'll call it "uncertainty" or "Time"? hm... well... here goes.. please dont laugh.. i havent written a poem in ages.. eheheh
Tis said the seeds of love in time shall be sowed
But Oh! How naive!
To think of time as a friend
For only in the end..
Friend or foe it will show
O'Time.. will this bond grow strong..
Twicefold in each of your coming?
Or will it just start crumbling..
Into grains to small to see..
And dissolve in your space of eternity?
O'Time.. Are you friend or are you foe..?
Will you please just let me know...?
-api perdana-
11th of July 2005
This poem is copyleft.. you are welcome to use it but please include the name of the author :)
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War of the Worlds : my 2 cents
Basically, the story tells of aliens harvesting humans and using their blood as a source of fuel (or food?).. These supposedly highly superiour lifeforms have been watching Earth and the humans in particular since before humans existed. The aliens have planted war machines within the earth to harvest the humans. So when the time came, the aliens enter the machines using lightning as their means of transportation to enter the ground. So the aliens start destroying human civilization, killing some people, and the rest are harvested for their blood. The story ends by the aliens suddenly dying because they were not resistant to the bacteries. The narrator: "and so the humans have earned their right to live".
This may be quite long, so bear with me... :D
- Who uses tens of thousands of year old equipment for battle? These aliens were supposedly highly superior.. So there are no advancements in their war equipments all this time?
- Why bury war equipments then attack? Why not just attack from outer space?
- The machines were buried inside major cities all over the world. If they were planted before mankind, how did they know the location would be a future major city? From when the world was one,the ice age, the national wars, etc.. They must have a really good fortune teller.
- Their war machines was very inefficient at killing... I mean, they are equipped with laser beams! u cant kill in masses using laser beams.. OK.. maybe they were meant to scare people, make them panic and run.. then the machines use their whiplike tentacles to catch the humans to suck out their blood. Again an insufficient way to catch humans. Why not just use a shovel like machinery? or maybe a net?
- Cause of death. BACTERY!?!?! ow come on! they are superior creatures, have been studying the earth for thousands of years, and yet they do not know about bacteries?? Superior dumb is more like it. I mean, how long have humans studied the outer space? b4 they travel to space, they've already studied the air particles, compositions, etc.. Humans use a space suit to provide oxygen and protect their bodies. And yet these superior aliens have never heard of bacteries? The "Earth Research Funds" must have been corrupted by the alien researchers.. Their people must be the spitting image of this beloved country of ours :D
Overall the movie was ok, thou a bit flat of a storyline.. Dakota Fanning's acting made up for Tom Cruise's character's lack of character :p The ending was very dissapointing thou. It gave me the impression that the author created such a superior, indestructible enemy that s/he did not know how to kill them. So the author took the easy way out with a lame ending. Bacteries killed the aliens. We have earned the right to live because we are immune to bacteries to a certain level. So Lame.. I give this movie a very very generous 6.5 (probably a 5 if it wernt for Fanning)
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Saturday, July 09, 2005
What I mean by cheating is finding some1 else while ur in a relationship. I do not condone having multiple boy/girlfriends at the same time.
Cheating on ur boy/girlfriend is a classic issue. Who is at fault? the cheater? the cheatee? or the cheated? After discussing and analyzing, I seem to have found the answer :D The argument can only be implemented if u believe there is another person (only one) that completes you.
- base argument #1: is it wrong to search for "The One"? Is it wrong to try to get "The One" 1nce s/he is found? If the answer is "NO" (which I think every1 still agrees here), then we move to the next argument.
- base argument #2: if your "The One" is already "with someone", is it wrong to try and get him/her? This is where the basic disagreements appear which is why this logic only applies to those that believe there can only be only one "The One".
- If you only have one "The One" then s/he would eventually be with you.
- If you only have one "The One" then s/he would never be happy with some1 else.
- If you only have one "The One" then his/her present partner would never be happy with him/her.
So based on the argument, you should try and get your "The One" no matter if s/he is already with some1 else. But now, who is at fault if your "The One" decides to be with u? Let's analyze by referring to the arguments:
- You(Cheatee) are wrong: you can't be at fault.. s/he was meant for you. They would not have been happy together anyways :)
- S/he("The One/Cheater") is wrong: "The One" can't be at fault.. S/he would not have been happy with his/her present partner anyways.
- The cheated can't be at fault either. But should s/he be angry? Of course not! A bit bummed at first, is natural thou. S/he shouldnt be angry coz if his/her partner was "The One", then s/he wouldnt have left for someone else.
So who is at fault? NO ONE! Who suffers the most? NO ONE! Every1 is happy, and all is for the better. There is one missing argument in this theory..How do we know who "The One" is? We dont. Thats the fun part:) This part is another whole different theory that I must explore further to find the complete answers to. It will be posted when the answers are found and I have the time to post it :)
Disclaimer: This writing was not meant as an excuse to search for other people while in a relationship. Again, I do not approve of multiple relationships! This writing was just pieces of thoughts put together in the course of time.
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Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Is Earth a Living Organism?
(an eye opener)
The earth does not meet the requirements of an organism (cannot reproduce) and is therefore not considered an organism. But have you thought about why all life on Earth does act, usually, in harmony and cooperation in collective interest, just as the organs of our bodies do. The task of regulating Earth's temperature is such a massive and constantly-challenging job that it takes all of us, working together, to succeed.
In Darwinian terms, individual life-forms competing strictly in their own self-interest will continually fail to survive the sharp temperature changes their selfishness allows. Only a life model with global awareness, respect and cooperation can sustain
any of us in this temperature-fragile environment. Plant and animal life evolved a half billion years ago as a 'conscious' mechanism to perpetuate itself by regulating the temperature of its host planet. And it has done that awesome task remarkably well: Despite extinction events like meteor impacts, massive volcanic eruptions and ice ages, complex life has endured on our planet and re-regulated the planet's temperature remarkably quickly for half a billion years, and may be able to do so for another half a billion if some arrogant and selfish species like man doesn't mess it up.
- You are made of more cells than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and each cell is a miniature city with its own highways, factories, waste-processing plants, and a coil of DNA recording the genetic instructions necessary to make a copy of you. The cells in turn have combined to make a complex organism that can move, eat, breathe, reproduce, repair itself, think and dream. Yet as astonishing as our biology is, we are also mortal, forever in peril of disease, puncture, and the inevitable dissolution caused by wear and tear of time. Our home planet is similarly complex and similarly marvelous.
- How arrogant, how foolish we are, to believe that the world revolves around us, that it is here instinctively knows, that our purpose is to do our small part to help regulate the temperature and well-being of the whole organism of which we are inextricably a part, this astonishingly rare and vibrant and wondrous blue-green ball, for the benefit of all life, for the brief period we have the privilege to be alive as a part of its awesome and finite history?
(Gaia Theory)
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Tuesday, July 05, 2005
I got this cool (existential?) poem from a (former) Friendster programmer, Troutgirl
Java Haiku
using reflection
i verify
right before the method is called
that it exists
then i call it
and it dies saying
this method doesn't exist
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Monday, July 04, 2005
hmm... are they too superlative?
The Keys to My Heart - You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
- In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
- You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
- You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
- Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
- Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
- You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
- In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
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