Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Thank You............
Excuse Me..............
I'm Sorry.............
How difficult is it for these three words to come out of your mouth !?!?!?
If you feel any difficulty in saying these three words, then I pity you...
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Monday, August 29, 2005
aah... another traffic-free monday morning as usual..40mnts(23km) 2d office :) when mondays r considered a hell day, i find it 2b d most traffic-free day of d week.. i'll share some tricks for the road:
- monday-wednesday, always leave between 7am..7.30 would b d ideal time 2get out of d house..thursday n friday, try leaving earlier.. 6.30am is d ideal time but u can still leave @8am n hav little traffic..but never leave past 8.30am!
- go through as little traffic lights as u can and if possible, always find roads wher u r goin against traffic.
these 2tips can only work when ur office is on the outskirts of business centers and ur working hour starts at 9am.. which means it is only possible if:
- u r very very lucky to have found a working place like that..
- u own a company thus u can decide its location and working hours huehehehehe...!
btw... congrats 2a dear friend (dont worry i wont link ur blog ;p) who just had a great date..
movies, reserved dinner, and a night stroll on monas park... only one element missing hehehe but i'd say he did his homework, eh? ;) i guess he has dis undying luv 4u hahaha considering 5years.. hehehe..
just remember wat i said (the one correlated 2d date.. not the other story hahaha)
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Luis Miguel's sabor a mi is quite a romantic song.. ive tried searching the lyrics n found the original lyric and translation..i thought the translation was a bit off(just teeny tiny bits), so ive edited little things here and there...please feel free 2correct me if u suspect a mistranslation :)
Tanto tiempo disfrutamos de este amor Nuestras almas se acercaron tanto asi Que yo guardo tu sabor pero tu llevas tambien Sabor a mi...
Sin negaras mi presencia en tu vivir Bastaria con abrazarte y conversar Tanta vida yo te di que por fuerza llevas ya Sabor a mi...
No pretendo ser tu dueño No soy nada, yo no tengo vanidad En mi vida, doy lo bueno Soy tan pobre que otra cosa puedo dar
Pasaran mas de mil años, muchos mas Yo no se si tenga amor la eternidad Pero alla tal como aqui, en la boca llevaras Sabor a mi...
No pretendo ser tu dueño No soy nada, yo no tengo vanidad De mi vida, doy lo bueno Soy tan pobre que otra cosa puedo dar
Pasaran mas de mil años, muchos mas Yo no se si tenga amor la eternidad Pero alla tal como aqui, en la boca llevaras Sabor a mi...
We've enjoyed this love for so long Our souls have drawn so close That a trace of you remains within me And you also have taken a trace of me
If you deny my influence in your life my embrace and a little conversation would prove otherwise so much of my life I gave,that you now can't help but retain a trace of me...
I'm not pretending to be your master for I am nothing, and have no vain illusions of my life I give my best for I am so poor, what more can I give
A thousand years and more may pass I don't know if eternity will hold this love but there just as here, on your lips you'll always carry a trace of me...
I'm not pretending to be your master for I am nothing, and have no vain illusions of my life I give my best for I am so poor, what more can I give
A thousand years and more may pass I don't know if eternity will hold this love but there just as here, on your lips you'll always carry a trace of me...
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These are some eating experiences I've had.. Judgements are solely subjective, based on the worthiness level of prive vs taste.. the restos are mostly middle-class restos ranging from IDR 50k-100k.
Japenggo Shokudo
The Plaza Semanggi
3rd Floor No.5
Yesterday on Sunday my gf n I went to the Plaza Semanggi to resize the wristband on my new watch given on my birthday last Friday :)
To break the fast, we decided to try some JapFood and after scouting the plaza looking 4a comfortable place 2sit n eat [most JapRestos have impossible seats], we stopped @Japenggo Shokudo. The menu had marks on the most ordered dishes. I almost chose a marked-dish (Osaka Chicken), but eventually chose a "non-marked" menu.. We ordered the house salad(8.5k), I chose the Spicy Tori Don(28k), my gf had the Osaka Chicken(29k), and we both drank the refillable Jasmine Green Tea (9.5k).
The salad was ok. the sauce was a soury-peanut sauce.. after seeing the waitress setting up the food, i regretted not choosing the Osaka Chicken.. consisting of fried chicken strips cooked with bread flour and covered in sesame seed, the standard salad, jelly-mixed rice, deep-fried salad strips, and a seaweed and tofu soup with 2small dumplings(almost like martabak telor), i was drooling over it.. especially compared to my one-bowl rice covered in chicken chunks and scrambled eggs, all with spicy sauce.. the only color it had was red red red..
My gf thought the tori don was good, but very spicy.. i didnt find it spicy at all! i think my tongue must be dead coz my stomach started to burn about an hour later.. i have to admit it wasnt that bad, but still..compared 2what my gf had... =P~ so yup, u guessed it.. i stole some chicken n other stuffs and negotiated food trade whenever possible hehehe.. oya, the jasmine tea was ok. the jasmine didnt taste dat strong but it was refill at will so money's worth hehe..
all in all, food + tax costing IDR 97,821 was dangerously at the limit of "worthy food" hehehe..
but i'd still give the place another chance sometime.. especially with soft-fluffy seats.. and so much magazines to read..o btw, on the magazine Djakarta, there was also a review of Coco Thai and it agreed with me[look below].."good price, not so bad food" hehehe...
-October 23, 2005
Gudeg Bu TjitroJl. Veteran I No.23 I've eaten here a few times b4, including last nite, so i guess its time 2write a review :D like its name suggests, the resto is gudeg-based.. last nite me n my gf went ther 2break d fast after shopping 4clothes @Pasar Baru..the standard meal was gudeg, which ive had many times, so this time i wanted 2try somethin different. dis was my gf's 1st visit so she ordered the medium-gudeg.. dats rice, normal gudeg, krecek, duck egg, and a chicken's lower thigh (15.5k) and coconut (7.5k) 4d drink.. i had a fried sop buntut(24.5k), sirsak(wats d english word?) juice (8.5k), kolak (5k) and rice (3.5k),since rice is excluded...the sop buntut was gud.. the one in borobudur still tastes better, but this was better than ok so i guess it was satisfying.. the sirsak was also nice since it was fresh.. the kolak wasn't sweet enuf, but it was ok-lah... d strange thing was when i tried my gf's gudeg... it tasted saltier than what it usually tastes.. i then realized dat during d fasting month, the taste-quality control cannot b done.. hehehe.. not 2b defensive, but d gudeg usually tastes good...well, all in all, food+tax: IDR 70,400 is highly acceptable for a resto.. especially when coming out with a bloated stomach afterwards..-october 10,2005
Steak Ciwikoa
Jl. Ciwikoa? @Bandung
Last weekend (8,9 October) Ametis Tech. had the days off :D so on October 8th, I went 2bandung.. I left around 2pm, and arrived @my bro's kost @4pm.. not knowing wher 2eat good yet cheap food, i sms-ed a friend 4advice.. he asked whether i wanted a so-so or xpensive food. of course i said so-so.. he then adviced a place called Atmosphere on Jl.Lengkong..so i then drove n tried 2find it.. i entered d parking lot n d place was huge! all i could think of was expensive, expensive, and expensive! so i turned n exited d place n then started 2look 4a cheaper place 2break d fast.. after driving with no direction, i stopped @Jl. Ciwikoa? i cant remember d name correctly.. ther was a steak food stall ther.. seemed clean enuf n not 2xpensive.. the menu can b considered cheap;"tenderlon:IDR 16k wit d most xpensive menu T-bone:22.5k.. "
the juices r ok.. and the menu size is "just enuf" not 2full but quite fulfilling.. so it wasnt Bentuman... nor Abuba... but still, it was quite satisfying.. i'll surely comeback ther if i remember d road.. *d'oh!*-october 10,2005
Gdg Djakarta Theater 2nd Floor
It was 5pm n at first i had planned to have a small supper at Djakarta Theater's Oh Lala cafe consisting of soup and coffee. But as i got there, the place was crowded and full of smoke (cigarette).. so my gf n i looked 4an alternative place.. ther was a secluded small resto in d 2nd floor.. d place was empty except 4 two gays ups guys hehe.. the place was simple, average decorations but heck mayb it was worth a try...i ordered the pad thai (15.5k), my gf wasnt dat hungry so she had coco nachos for snacks (11.5k) and the coco breeze (10.5k) for a drink while i had the guava juice (8.5k).. i ordered the pad 2compare it with Mangkok Putih's... the taste was somewhat different than Mangkok Putih's but still good.. mayb a bit too dry, but tasty.. and the portion is probably twice as much *grin* the nachos was also good.. tomato sauce with meat bits.. tho it tasted good, d taste was all 2familiar.. i believe d sauce is RAGU(spaghetti sauce)with mince meat..d chips wer also regular tortilla chips.. but hey, it suits d price so no complaints here.. altho i still prefer nachos covered in cheese sauce wit sweet n sour cream dip hehe.. d coco breeze was lime, OJ, n soda.. had a strong taste..its ok tho u shouldnt drink it on an empty stomach.. d guava juice was standard.. it was fresh so it depends on d fruit hehe..all in all for IDR 50k it was satisfying.. i'd opt for this rather than d hotplanet in d next building anytime :-)-september 22,2005
Jl. Kemang Raya No 9
If u head to Kemang from Blok M, just as u go downhill, on the left ther is a building and on its far end lies a small cafe-resto wwwok! It was not yet noon (11am or so), i was starving but few restos wer open.. one of them is wwok!. The cafe was had a joint partnership with BeerCoffeeShop(cmiiw). Beer is on the 1st floor and wwwok! is on d 2nd. i ate on d 1st since d 2nd floor was still being cleaned. d 1st floor setting was cozy-artistic-simplistic.. the place was very cozy and had nice soft couches. but sitting was not what i had planned 2do..i ordered Vietnamese Beef somethin (was told it was a specialty) for 29k while my girlfriend ordered the Shanghai Noodle(28k). She had d O.J. (13k) and i had d wwwok! es teler (13k) for drinks. The viatnamese beef was basically a soup with beef, onions, brussel sprouts, n other veggies.. ther was 1ingredient i was unfamiliar with..mayb somethin imported.. the taste? bleeh! i duno if d taste was just 2strange (im very open 2unfamiliar tastes), but i cant imagine how dat menu cud've been considered a favorite! my girlfriend's noodle was fantastic tho.. i was so envious of her eating somethin tasty while i was chewin 4d sake of d wasted money :'( so i once in a while stole a bite or two from her plate hehehe.. her O.J. was sub-standard tho.. rily, u get better tasting O.J.'s from small juice stands in malls.. but the es teler was awesome. coconut, jackfruit, and avocado topped with vanilla icing held my dissapointment at bay..all in all, for a meal of two costing IDR 100k, the place is blacklisted from my list of places to eat until some1 can prove 2me otherwise..- september 22,2005
Bentuman Steak
Jl Terogong No.28 Jak-Sel
This resto beside JIS Pondok Indah is really somethin.. The 1st branch was opened in Semarang, Central Java.. the place in semarang is far from cozy.. it was a small place where young, moneyless (usually college students haha) people hang-out for cheap food.. the place is far from fancy.. the one in jakarta on the other hand, is i'd say makes d cut of bein d top 20% of fancy restos list(my list btw :p).. the place is simple yet very eye-catching.. u can eat inside if ur a family.. it also has a terrace if u'd like to have a romantic dinner with candles beside the fish pond.. another terrace is located adjacent to the main eating area.. Instead of seeing old messed up motorcycles, u c bmw, volvo, and mercedes benz in the parking lot.. quite amazing considering the food is still cheap.
Ok..i recommend the inhouse special Bentuman Steak or Roman Steak.. i'd had them b4 so i ordered the Medium Size Aborigin Steak(21k) which was tenderloin covered with hot melted cheese, mushrooms, and sauce. i of course chose baked potato over the french fries... another specialty is the spaghetti with ribs (20k).. my girlfriend chose spaghetti bolognaise(12k) coz she wasnt dat hungry yet.. for drinks she chose applejuice(7k) while i had the inhouse special, bentuman juice (8k) which was strawberry+lemon+apple+other things i forgot.. all juices are fresh.. i then ordered d bentuman salad(9.5k) which was carrot+greenpeas+cucumber+green beans+pineapple covered in thousand island..
the salad was ok.. compared to the other menus, i think the salad had the least value for money (but hey, everythin else is cheap!:p).. the steak was good. u can still feel the taste of the meat in your mouth.. this is a very important bonus point bcoz in other places the sauce usually camouflages the taste of meat... but i knew i had 2eat fast tho... this was bcoz a main sauce ingredient was cheese.. a flaw when using hot melted cheese is dat it gets cold really fast and the taste usually fades away after dat.. the spaghetti my girlfriend chose tastes good.. i cant describe d sauce better than saying that the italian pasta had indonesian taste.. other than the sauce being not as thick as my liking (u cant scoop the sauce with a fork), it was excellent.. the apple juice was pure apple.. they didnt filter the water only so ther was quite a lot of apple fiber.. the bentuman juice was splendid.. maybe a bit too much strawberry but still nice.. it's got a nice kick in d taste..
so for a total(+tax) of IDR 67.700(proof dat cheap != badfood), i'd say the food was worth slighty more value4money than the Dutch Resto..the only flaw was the salad which i believed shouldve cost much less :p btw this is another "just right" portion restaurant.. just my type.. :)
- september 4, 2005
Dutch Family Restaurant
Jl Ahmad Dahlan No.18 Jak-Sel
Ohkay... ive been 2dis resto b4 but just 4 every1's info, this is a family restaurant. a small nice cozy place with nothing 2fancy.. all the menu portions are "just-right".. meaning u dont get 2full which is my favorite type...
the special is the Hutspot Met Klutspak (i think i got the last word wrong haha) which is basically mashed potato with strips of meat and covered in gravy..
ive had dat b4 so this time i decided to try the Fentucini (isnt this italian?) which cost 14k.. my girlfriend had the Hutspot (17.5k).. she drank the chocolate float (8k) while i had orangejuice (7k).. for appetizers i chose the belgian fries with mayonaise (10k), which i think is actually mustard+mayo.. and for dessert my girlfriend had 2scoops of vanilla ice (7k)..
She tot the Hutspot tasted good but got boring as time passed.. me as a mashed potato fan (a fan of most potato cookings) dont mind having just mashed potato as a meal haha... anywho.. the fettucini was good.. the belgian fries wer my favorite last time i was there... but last time the fries were shared with my cousins so i didnt hav as many as i had yesterday.. the fries were huge and the mustard+mayo was so stuffing dat we had to push ourselves 2finish them.. but they were really good.. intially.. i mean they wer good till i had to take off my belt and force them down my throat hahaha... the ice cream was nice tho.. standard vanilla covered with strawberry and chocolate syrup..
a total of IDR 63.500 for all that, plus the comfy place made me feel my money was worth it.. just one advice tho.. if u cant handle too much food, dont order appetizers.. or just have appetizers+soup/somethin lite :p
-september 4,2005
[Eating Experience]
last week i picked up my girlfriend @her office in thamrin...
after shopping books at QB thamrin, we err... i was hungry...
ther was d standard choice of Bakmi Gajahmada, and the lame choice the golden arches (theyr everywher in jkt)...
the best foods in jakarta is either in d blokM area or Kemang but the traffic would be like hell after work hours so our choice was limited to the sarinah region..
not knowing what to choose, we decided 2try out Hot Planet.. a simple place.. almost like a diner but two storeys..
so we took a seat (non-smoking of course) and looked @d menu.. "wats d specialty?" i asked.. the waiter said "konro ribs".. [-_-]" if i had wanted konro ribs i'd have gone 2 Tata Daeng's ribs in tebet.. "wat else is d specialty?".. "uhm.. our steaks..sirloin/tenderloin steak.." another [-_-]" i'd prefer to go to abuba steak in d fatmawati area or ben tuman (it means 2b addicted in javanese btw) steak in Pondok Indah..
so i looked @d menus again..and considering the name Hot Planet, i tot about hot plates and ordered a what-i-tot-was-a-safe Sizzling Black Peppered Beef Hotplate...my girlfriend chose a much safer menu of Tuna Croissant..she drank avocado juice while i chose the lime squash..
the black pepper beef was awful.. ok..not non-edible, but ive tasted much better cooking with much less price.. the downfall of the recipe was dat d beef was boiled 1st.. this is a No-No when cooking steak.. u lose the taste, the thickness of the meat, and of course the proteins are destroyed...the flavor only had one taste which was spicy.. i dont mind spicy food, but really..u cant appreciate food if the only taste was chilly! my girlfriend's tuna was ok.. the standard white tuna croissant. nothing special. the chips could use some salt tho..
anyway, IDR 77.000 with a menu consisting of tuna croissant(17k), beef hotplate (25k), avocado juice(14k), and lime squash (14k), the food was far from my expectations of a restaurant at thamrin.. u could get much better tasting (and healthier) foods in many other places tho i admit compared to the other restos @thamrin, a price like dat is considered cheap.. maybe dats d only reason y its still open...
- august 28,2005
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after hanging out with some friends these last few days, i noticed a couple of things bout me..
- when sms-ing high-school friends/just graduated, it always take me about 5minutes to read the smses... not dat i hav a reading problem, but i dont understand shit bout the abbr. and even some of the meanings of the slang words haha...
- when playing basketball with friends i always seem to be short of breath.. make no mistake, ive still got d moves n skills... just not the physique... thus d conclusion is...
i am OLD... and OUT OF SHAPE...
cant stop d aging process... tho mayb it might help if i started dating high-school girls hahaha...
and as for being out of shape.. i still cant find a serious fitness friend/partner to help motivate me.. so now i have 2find a fun yet healthy activity... :-?
aha! ballroom dancing!
time 2hit d books n relearn how to waltz and swing again... err..maybe i should focus on d fast-beat waltz rather than the slow swing or foxtrot. on the other hand.. the swing n foxtrot might really comes in handy when charming women..hehehe ;)
so as the
only but
never old one-liner in ballroom dancing goes: "
may i have this dance?"
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...pues te hare sufrir con este corazon que se ileno de mil inviernos...
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
not the best spaghetti ive ever had... buurp...
i think d spaghetti was overcooked... buurp...
damn y did i eat so much?
2day is graduation day @ UI..
so i guess i'll meet every1 with this overbloated stomach... buurp..
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Friday, August 26, 2005
just took a shower n was about 2go 2d office...
but thers this leak behind my toilet..the pipe dat goes in d wall has been leaking for some time.. ive been wantin 2fix it but just didnt hav d time (nor will) to do it.. so i thought "hey, i'll just get d monkey wrench from d garage n tighten it up a little..." so after running downstairs n up getting d wrench, i kneeled and tried to tighten the pipe..
as i turned the wrench ther was a "CRAAACK!" sound.. oops, dat cant b good i thought.. the pipe broke and water started pouring out (i think pour is an understatement hehe).. all wet n a bit surprised, i ran outside 2get a ladder n went up the water tower to close the pipe water.. when i went back 2d bathroom, it was already flooded n water was sipping from underneath the door...
after cleaning the mess, i took a look at the broken flexible pipe.. damn its broken.. so i guess i'll hav 2buy a replacement.. at that moment a
colleague called and asked whether i'll be goin 2d office 2day..anyway, the store is about 1km away.. a bit long for a quick walk, but 2short for a car.. so i decided 2walk..@d store, i realized d pipe dat was broken was d cheap kind..so i asked for d best quality pipe... dat left me with only IDR 5,000- in my wallet Do'h!..
so i went back n fixed the toilet (hopefully for good this time)... i hate having to kneel down n using a monkey wrench in such a small space.. it took about 1/2 an hour... it was about almost 11am when all (the mopping n cleaning up) was finished n i toyed with the idea of not comin in 2office 2day..
it was quite an even match between
responsibility vs
fun n games.. but in d end, responsibility won by a very small margin n i changed clothes (d shirt was all wet with sweat)..made it 2d office just in time 4d friday prayer..an here i am now posting this post :p
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
I got this from a mailing list i joined... for those of u dat dont kno who she is, she is a famous indonesian online internet marketer (fancy for MLM sucker).. after all the hype in MLM..again another one hits the dust after the upper upliners sucks d cash from all d downliners(as usual).. and now they're tryin 2 put d blame on card frauders?? huh?
this is a good blog wher d debate on anna ahira had taken place...
The End of ANNA AHIRA?
saya baru dapat informasi tentang 'jatuhnya' elite timnya si Anne Ahira...coba deh cek pernyataan dibawah ini yang diambil dari website miliknya di http://www.eliteteamindonesia.com/37296/
gile...bakal berapa ribu orang yang bakal komplain..? gimana nih kompas , SWA ? Anne Ahira Kumaha...?
From the desk of Anne Ahira
18 Agustus 2005, 20:33
Sebuah berita mengejutkan datang pagi-pagi di hari Kamis, 18 Agustus 2005. Saat itu, saya baru saja hendak tidur, setelah mengevaluasi semalaman hasil kerja team saya untuk Asian Brain Internet Marketing Center .
Tak biasanya, handphone saya pagi itu secara bertubi-tubi menerima SMS dari anggota Elite Team. Saat itu, saya baru tahu jika Kelly Reese –President FFSI- menutup/membatalkan keanggotaan FFSI khusus internasional. Saya kaget dan tidak menyangka. Yang saya pikirkan pertama kali, bagaimana nasib anggota Elite Team selanjutnya….
Saya pun lalu mengecek kebenaran berita tersebut. Dari email yang dikirim kepada seluruh anggota FFSI Internasional, memang benar jika Kelly Reese telah menutup keanggotaan FFSI International dengan alasan banyaknya penipuan (fraud) kartu kredit (email selengkapnya terlampir). Walaupun begitu, keanggotaan untuk warga Negara Amerika Serikat tetap berjalan seperti biasa.
Seperti juga anggota-anggota Elite Team yang lain, saya juga sama terkejut, sedih dan kecewa sekali. Walaupun saya adalah pendiri Elite Team, tapi bagaimanapun posisi saya dalam FFSI sama dengan dengan anggota Elite Team lainnya, yaitu sebagai representative, sehingga saya juga baru mengetahui berita tersebut pada saat yang kurang lebih sama dengan anggota FFSI Internasional lainnya.
Saya menganggapnya ini sebagai musibah bersama. Saya dan Elite Team menjadi korban bersama atas ulah para crackers (/hackers) yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
Perlu digarisbawahi penutupan keanggotaan FFSI International ini, BUKAN karena FFSI bangkrut atau perusahaannya ditutup. Bisnis FFSI tetap berjalan, namun keanggotaannya hanya dibuka bagi warga negara Amerika Serikat saja atau masyarakat internasional yang memiliki "US Tax ID".
Saya sangat menyayangkan FFSI menutup keanggotaan internasionalnya. Tetapi saya juga mengerti, jika Kelly Reese pada akhirnya mengambil keputusan tersebut, karena begitu besarnya beban perusahaan yang harus ditanggung akibat banyaknya klaim dan pengaduan fraud.
Sepengetahuan saya, banyak kartu kredit orang Amerika yang di-crack dan pelaku fraud-nya adalah orang internasional. Melihat kondisi hukum di Amerika yang memberikan perlindungan yang kuat kepada warganya atas aksi-aksi merugikan tersebut, saya mengerti jika Kelly
Reese tidak memiliki pilihan lain selain menutup keanggotaan FFSI Internasional.
Saya sangat berharap musibah ini tidak akan mematikan semangat kita dalam berbisnis online, namun justru memacu kita untuk memberantas fraud dengan menjalankan bisnis maupun bertransaksi online secara benar.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I was playing my rap mp3 playlist n suddenly i heard a funny song i never knew existed on my songlist... "
What if Eminem Sang the Jingle Bells" -sung by Bob Rivers...
[Bob Rivers:]
Yo, yo
[Girl as Dina Rae:]
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
From Detroit to East L.A.
[Bob Rivers as Eminem:]
Is this a white Christmas? Hell no, my man
I'm leaving blood in the snow and smacking fat men
You mean Santa, that boy's a bitch
He caught my mom on Christmas and tried to give her kiss
Fo' real he's no joke, that guy don't play
He tried to ride way more than a one-horse-sleigh
Laughing all the way, but he's not laughing today
Jingle more than his bells, even the elves with pay
We'll be snacking on deer, EATIN' Blitzen and Donor
Not a question of when, not even a maybe
Have a drunk Mrs. Clause saying, come 'ere Baby!
Give a new meaning to a ho, ho, ho
Shake that ass girl, bump your booty in the snow
So watch out Santa, you jolly old troll
We'll be strippin' that sleigh and leave you cold
[Girl as Dina Rae:]
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a top drop Chevrolet, hey
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
From Detroit to East L.A.
[Bob Rivers as Eminem:]
Playing reindeer games, hell yeah my friend
Grab Rudolph's horns, see how far they bend
When the snow turns bad, hand jacks off in bed
Back out to the woods with his faggy elf friend
Oh, Santa Claus did molest me last night
In fact, could have me listed as 'naughty' twice
Not cuz' of the fight, or the Christmas gift hype,
Because of the nog, I left on his wife
It's time for the old nick to move and retire
Or we roast his nuts on a bigass fire
Yes I'm that bad, Yes, I'm that cruel
I mean your ass is huge, lose weight, for real dude
All the cookies and milk, simply quite quick
I mean, when's the last time you've seen your dick
I don't mean to throw a fit and I'm not one to bitch
But every year I get underwear, socks, and shit
[Girl as Dina Rae:] (Bob Rivers as Eminem:)
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a top drop Chevrolet, hey
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
Grab your coat, you'll be okay in LA
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a top drop Chevrolet, hey
(yo, yo)
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingling all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
Grab your coat, you'll be okay in LA
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Your Career Type: Enterprising |
 You are engertic, ambitious, and sociable. Your talents lie in politics, leading people, and selling things or ideas.
You would make an excellent:
Auctioneer - Bank President - Camp Director City Manager - Judge - Lawyer Recreation Leader - Real Estate Agent - Sales Person School Principal - Travel Agent - TV Newscaster
The worst career options for your are investigative careers, like mathematician or architect. |
Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage |
 You've dated enough to know what you want. And that's marriage - with the right person. You're serious about settling down some time soon. Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to! |
Your Seduction Style: Sweet Talker |
 Your seduction technique can be summed up with "charm" You know that if you have the chance to talk to someone... Well, you won't be talking for long! ;-)
You're great at telling potential lovers what they want to hear. Partially, because you're a great reflective listener and good at complementing. The other part of your formula? Focusing your conversation completely on the other person.
Your "sweet talking" ways have taken you far in romance - and in life. You can finess your way through any difficult situation, with a smile on your face. Speeding tickets, job interviews... bring it on! You truly live a *charmed life* |
Your Personality Is |
Rational (NT)
You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas. You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!
Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people. In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.
You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought. Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.
In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.
At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.
With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.
As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.
On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things. |
- october 10, 2005
You're an Passionate Kisser |
 For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble |
Your Element Is Air |

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
What Your Underwear Says About You |
 You like to think of yourself as innocent, even though you're not!
You are childlike (or childish), and prone to run around in your underwear. |
Your Hidden Talent |
 You have the power to persuade and influence others. You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! |
Your Brain's Pattern |
 You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy. You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts. People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused. But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. |
- september 26,2005
hmm...this cant b right..im very shy n lose confidence when meeting attractive women..What Type of Flirt Are You?
Hey there, slick! We think it's pretty safe to say that you're a Smooth Flirt. You've got all the right moves, and you're confident that your target will appreciate all your winks and smiles. All it takes is the perfect line, right? Maybe so, as long as you deliver it with your charm meter set to "stun." Your flirting style is the perfect mix of body language and pure animal magnetism. With you on their trail, how can your prey possibly hope to get away? Seduction is inevitable. Just make sure not to overdo it. There's something to be said for simple, direct conversation. Your way with words and smooth moves guarantee that you'll hit the bullseye.
*GRINS*http://web.tickle.com/tests/poser/ Api, you're a player because you are It's clear that you're no clown. A street-smart brainiac like you has got a lot going on upstairs and doesn't mind flexing that ripped mental muscle when necessary. That's not to say that you're a complete geek — everybody knows you couldn't be further from it.
You're one cool character who knows what's what and is always one step ahead of the rest of those posers. Perceptive and grounded, not much goes over your head and you're not afraid to call it like you see it. So keep keepin' it real. It's a great trait that never goes out of style. For real.
- august 22,2005
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"IT" came, I saw, I bolted..
haha doesn't sound brave or heroic of me ya..? :p
last night, i had a hard time tryin 2sleep.. i chatted w/a friend till 2am..
i knew i had 2sleep coz i had 2leave 4d office early dis mornin...
but the feeling i had that early in d mornin was really bad.. it wasnt as bad as when "IT' 1st attacked, but really gave me enough discomfort 2not sleep well..
i dreamt i was being chased around by dinosaurs.. i was killed (stomped on or eaten) all the time.. the dream kept on repeating itself (i hate those dreams).. i cross a lake, suddenly dinosaurs emerge.. i die, then d dream starts all over again.. the variations of my death wer d only thing different in each "act" haha...
and then i woke up... had this scared feeling up my spine...i knew "IT" was inside.. this time i was more scared coz i turned off d lights in my room this time haha.... since last time i didnt have the chance 2look around (i was ambushed) i tried lookin around my room..the sight of it surprised me.. i duno if his presence was of any relevance 2my dream, but there it was... on my door..
"on the door?" u ask?.. yup... it was crawling.. it looked like a giant lizard(relevant 2my dream?), but as i looked closer, the body shape resembled that of a human..i couldnt really make out everything coz "IT" was almost invisible.. almost transparant.. have u seen d movie Predator(starring arnold suasanasegar)? it was somethin like dat.. i could only make out the shape coz it created a sort of ripple in the air.. i looked at it for a long time making sure it wasnt a trick my eyes wer playing on me.. i searched for a source of light tryin 2find dat maybe it was just a reflection of some sort.. but there wer none...and then it moved..
haha now this was getting scary, i thought.."IT" had been there watching me.. and then started to crawl from the door to the wall.. this was when i was certain it's body resembles dat of a human.. but it CRAWLED!! dats what freaked me out! here was this creature, watchin me all dis time.. was it studying me? ready 2attack?
when he got 2d wall, i wasted no time.. i just bolted through d door. hahaha... i hurriedly went downstairs 2d living room wher ther was light and my aunt was praying in her room (i heard her reading the Qur'an).. i looked at the clock.. only 2.20am! my dreams and all that only lasted 20minutes??? it felt like hours..! my mind was racing, my heart was working extra time... i really wanted 2call some1 at d time but i'd probably receive some pretty good swearin if i woke up anybody @2am haha...
soon my bodily functions started 2work normally again..i still had this bad feeling, but it was much much less powerful... so i slept on the couch... i woke up @around 4am... again with a bad feeling... i knew "IT" was here again..i didnt want2look around n went straight upstairs 2my room again.. haha its like playin tag.. in my room it was cold(i didnt turn off d AC as i went downstairs... sorry SBY-JK :p) but all the feeling of fear was gone.. maybe it had gone back 2its tree n left d house? who knows... at least i can sleep in peace...
didnt feel like sleepin at all tho... coz the alarm woke me up not long after... usually my alarm is set to 4.30, but considering what happened dat nite, i set it to 5.30...
hehe guess i've gotta grow stronger... i wonder if my mom's uncle is still alive... mayb he can help... heheheh... cant help 2quote starwars: "the dark force is strong within you.."
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Merchant of Venice
(watched at Setiabudi, 21-08-05)
A screenplay adaptation of
Shakespeare's play with the same title, the setting of this movie is Venice, 1596. Rich, melancholy merchant Antonio loves the youthful but poor Lord Bassanio. So when Bassanio asks for 3000 ducats, Antonio says yes before knowing that it's purpose was to impress Portia, a young, beautiful, and very wealthy young woman whose riches she obtained from inheriting her father, and ask her hand in marriage.
With his capital tied up in merchant ships at sea, Antonio must go to Shylock, a Jewish moneylender(a.k.a loanshark) he despises, to borrow the money promised. Shylock wraps his grudge in kindness, offering a three-month loan at no interest, but if not repaid, Antonio will owe a pound of his flesh chosen by Shylock. The Jew's daughter then elopes with a Christian, whetting Shylock's hatred for Christians and furthermore Antonio, whom he believed assisted the eloping.
While Bassanio's away wooing Portia, all of Antonio's ships founder. Unable to pay his debt, Antonio surrenders to the penalty. Shylock, in anger and resentment towards Antonio, demanded his pound of flesh to be taken from the location nearest to the heart. With court assembled and a judgment due, the resourceful Lady Portia swings into action to save Bassanio's best friend.
If you thought Leonardo di Caprio's Romeo & Juliet act was a laugh, this is a movie that'll replenish the magic of Shakespeare. Possible problems faced by viewers are the similar Italian names and fashion, which if you're not used to, would take extra effort in remembering the characters and their roles. The lines, like many other shakespeare work, are witty, funny, and romantic with a touch of sarcasm. The movie itself is catagorized as a Romantic Drama/Comedy. The only downfall was the adaptation only told the main story of the original play and thus left out many intriguing side stories. A must see for Shakespeare fans, I give this movie a 4.5 out of 5 stars.
note: I would have given 3.75 stars because the side stories were really good, but since the movie was uncensored and filled with flashes of nudity, i gave an extra 0.75 *wide grin*
A small tip for people eager to read shakespeare but have trouble with old English:
1. Just read out the letters. They are spelled a bit different, but sound just the same.
2. As far as grammar is concerned, u understand Master Yoda of Starwars right? Its the same thing :)
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
the joy of giving..
david bach on his best selling book the automatic millionaire stated that the reason we want to get rich is not because we want the cash and the ability 2buy anything we want. we want to get rich because we want the feeling of being rich.
let me elaborate.. the best feeling we get when we have money is when we give it away. maybe to charity, the local mosque/church, beggars on d street, and so forth. by being rich, we are able to experience that feeling.. we feel good when we are able to support and provide for people.. if what we search for is not the money but the feeling of being rich, must we become rich first? :)
is the saying "by giving, u receive many folds more" (found in modern religions) true? well...the richest people in the world today gave to charity long b4 they wer rich.. even if u r a non-believer doesnt this fact catch ur attention? sure the saying had been repeated over n over again during preaches n religious gatherings... but it never actually hit home for me.. i give 2charity to d mosques n beggars on d street, but i never really felt what mr. Bach meant.. I used 2think dat u had 2get filthy rich 1st, then give back 2d society in millions.. it finally hit me on the head (n heart) when i was moving 2my new house...
as i was moving a couple of weeks ago, i found my nintendo player..hehe.. the memories of playing mario bros3 came back... the player wasnt broken, just out of date thus nvr played again.. as i got 2d garbage can 2throw it away, d local trash-collector came and asked whether he could keep d console..i told him 2take it n his face glowed..i then hurriedly told him 2wait while i search 4all d games i cud find.. seeing dat man's face really made my day...d feeling was indescribable..
n then i saw my ninja turtle toys... hahaha that really jogged my memory.. since my ironing-lady had a 7yr old son, i decided 2give it 2her (it was hard,but im 2old 4it anyway :p) n hoped her son wud enjoy the turtle's company as much as i did..
im a sentimental person.. i keep almost all my possesions from childhood toys, trophies, awards, n so forth... anything dat gave me good memories, i kept.. but i now know those memories will b difficult 2b replaced even if ther is no physical object dat helps u remember it.. even if the memories do diminish through time, at least u'd hav a more precious memory of making people's lives better..
now i understand.. and mr.bach's book helped make me realize...since its not the money we want, but the ability to give to others, we dont have 2b rich 1st! i kno those reading this will probably laugh n say "every1 knows dat, u moron..", but think 1st; wat hav u given 2 society? wat hav u done 2help make people's life better.. i knew, but i didnt understand... now i do (hopefully)..
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
I just FOUND OUT!!
dat its difficult to drive and
1. eat,2. drink (coz d food was spicy), and3. sending smsespecially when d car uses manual transmission...
ndar, sory for takin a long time 2reply... and d hard 2understand grammar *lol*
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didnt sleep much last nite... 2bz browsing n downloading hahaha... (just 4d record: no porn:p)
so i finally got d chance 2 catch some zzz @7.30am....
10 minutes later my mom entered
"what r u doin in ur room all day long? ur dad n aunt is gardening outside... go n help them.."
and then i received an sms from a friend.. well dats dat! d urge 2sleep is all gone now...
but watchout! still grumpy... hehe... grrrr...
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Friday, August 19, 2005
maids = lazyness...
didnt hav a maid when i was in d states (altho dat was 4financial reasons)...
swept d floor by myself, mopped d floor by myself, washed d dishes by myself, went 2d laundry once a week..
didnt hav a maid when i 1st got here..
swept d floor by myself, mopped d floor by myself, washed d dishes by myself, washed clothes daily...
then ironing d clothes started 2b a time waster... dats d most boring house chore of all d house chores... so we brought in some1 2help iron d clothes.. but the iron lady would receive so little from a time well spent.. so she also does d laundrying.. and then between d laundrying n drying n ironing, she could help out like wash d dishes...when she has more time (mayb it rained) she could help mop the floor... or even sweep d floor (dis used 2b my fav house chore)...
and as time goes by, more n more chores r delegated.. and then my baby cousin lived in my house..permanently. so we had 2hire a babysitter on top of d once ironing lady... and then we moved 2our present house... d ironing lady couldnt help anymore so we had2hire another 2take her place..
and now it just makes me lazy... lazy 2wash d dishes (i usually now only wash my plate), lazy 2sweep d floor(sometimes i still do it tho) let alone mop it... heck, i sometimes even wait till my window is filled with fungi n becomes a mold b4 i drag myself 2clean it..
so starting 2morrow.. a new small resolution!! no one's gonna clean my room except myself! *grins*
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wat did i do on our beloved country's independence day..?it turns out my new neighborhood's still in 2d independence day games... hehehe... sack racing, flag-in-a-bottle (spin d bottle wudve been more xciting :p), soccer games (wher the males played soccer with skirts) and so many more...
so wat did i do on d 17th? i took a much more difficult challenge.. went and did a marathon.. yup! a sleeping marathon! :D i took a break from the marathon when some1 sms-ed me... then after replying, 10minutes later i was back in the marathon! :D
d marathon, like all d other activities had physical consequences.. which was insomnia o_O
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
"IT" finally attacked last nite..
background info on "IT"...
a couple o years ago, my parents bought a piece of land which is now our home.. a man (bataknese) bought d land behind our land not long after.. he cut down all trees except this one big bamboo tree.. when we asked y, he answered that ther was "somethin" livin ther and dat his "abilities" wer insufficient to drive "IT" out.. 'hoho,' i thought..now dis is interesting +grins+
a couple o months ago as d finalization of d house was comin near, i sometimes stay guard (sleep ther).. sometimes i'd have a bad feeling, once i even thought i saw "IT" moving out in d back.. but nothin ever happened..
last nite, as i was sleeping.. "IT" finally came.. I confirmed it afterwards wit my cousin dat was sleeping in d next room n he felt "IT" pass but "IT" didnt do anything 2him. if u look @my house pic, my room is d1 above d large front window, behind it is d room my cousin's stayin in, and behind dat is d tree.. "IT"'s aura was so much different than what i've experienced b4.. it was strong and dark.. i've felt the aura b4 but this time it was really strong.. "IT" was not like the "cigarette-stubbing-middle-aged-guy" in Pertamina Hospital, nor like "girl-turned- granny-prankster" in Pokus (my kost in depok), nor the "tryin-to-be-scary-green-hag" in building C Fasilkom.. wished it was like d "nice-little-girl-with-her-family" i also met in Pertamina Hospital.
hmm.. a little more flashback is needed here.. I come from a bloodline of people that can see "things".. my great grandpa used 2fight "them" all d time.. my grandma wud sometimes talk to "them".. i cannot yet control dis ability.. it just comes n goes..
back 2d story.. the batak man was right.. "IT" was powerful.. and "IT" was not just havin fun playin tricks.. i fell asleep without turning out the lights last nite.. but when "IT" came, everythin was dark.. "IT" came n tried to possess me..not just nindih (duno d english word 4dis).. to be frank, last nite was d 1st time i was frightened.. i was convulging(is dis d correct word?) seizurelike just to get "IT" off me..i finally suceeded and it was really tiring..i was breathing short n hard.. and then "IT" attacked again... thou tired, this time i was ready n d 2nd attack and thank goodness it didnt last as long as d 1st..
yes, it was scary.. but nothin serious happened.. d fact dat d 2nd attack didnt last as long thou i was tired is a good sign :) what'll happen next? haha i'll just hav2wait n see :D
as a note, "IT" did not show "IT'"s form last nite.. all i saw was darkness... mayb next time "IT" will hav d guts 2show "IT"self..
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weekend flashback
last saturday nite i went to TC bar wit my cousins.. d married gals wern't allowed by their parents hahaha.. so it was just non-married,good lookin guys n gals dat went :p err..except for 1cousin who was married but didnt tell his wife wher we wer goin hahaha..
Man it's been a long time since ive been out enjoyin d nite life.. ever since i entered fasilkom i rarely go 2bars,cafes,or discos anymore..so last saturday i was thinkin "man im 2old 4dis.." not really in d mood @1st.. the environment didnt help.. the air smelt of alcohol filled wit smoke.. d place was quite full (it was bout 11pm when we got ther) but we managed 2find a spot on d 2nd floor.. a cousin dat was already ther wit his friends came over n said dat d band 2nite was awesome.. i tot "yeah yeah.. of course they r.. its sat nite.. but im 2old 2enjoy these things anymore.. just 2old.."so i looked @d menu n ordered somethin "safe".. the waiter was promoting d latest alcohol-mumbojumbo-invention but i told him i was drivin..so i got d usual coffee n chatted wit my cousins on d latest gossip, work, etc etc while waiting 4d music (they wer on a recess when we entered)... and checkin out d new fashion in style worn by hot chicks of course haha..
then d band came out.. it wasnt a band really.. an acapella consisting of 2guys n 1girl..the girl was cute, one guy was skinny and dark, the other looks just like a young version of Mr.Johar of IDC (a bit local here)..bloated stomach, wearin only undershirt n pants hahaha... but when they sang.. wow.. every high note, every curve in the music was like an incantation which got us all in a trance.. claps and whistles followed each song.. songs like "A Whole New World; Peabo+Reginna, Kiss from a Rose; Seal, Un Amore Per Sempre/Alejate (i forgot); Josh Groban" wer sung to near perfection..
Now i remember what i missed bout d nite life (beside d drugs, alcohol, n sex of course)... just hangin out wit friends (cousins in dis case), drinkin, talkin bout bizniz or just gossip, n listenin 2good music..well basically havin fun.. oh how i now miss d nite life hehehe... btw, the acapella band is called DIVA (asked a waiter 4their name).. if u ever see their name, check em out..
so we left d joint bout 1.30.. i think the government makes them close @1am (cmiiw)? well we wer goin home anyway since different "species of animals" take over after 1am..
the next mornin i woke up @so weak haha... experienced another dream/reality thing... i woke up @5am.. body couldnt move..forced myself 2get outta bed.. just as i rolled over, it felt as if i was underwater for a long time n just resurfaced taking air.. and then suddenly im awake again.. so it was just a dream b4? so i got up n took a wudhu n prayed.. then dat feelin again! and i was in bed as if ive just woken up 4d 1st time..did i dream bout praying?? then i walked down d stairs.. then it happened again! me walkin was a dream? dat happened bout 6 or 7 times.. my gf sms-ed me n i read it (awake).. then replied it in my dreams... haha i need a psychiatrist.. i didnt remember taking any crack or weed or grass or marijuana or anythin of d sort d nite b4.. althou dat would explain things perfectly hahaha...
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Hello Lala...
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been tryin 2find a pic of my house completed, but unsuccessful... so here's my house 95% upon completion...

i woke up late 2day... almost missed subuh hehehe...
anyway, i timed everything 2make sure i wudnt b late 2d office...
but when i entered d bathroom, somethin was wrong.. the water leaked from d toilet (d place wher water is stored).. i thought wat d heck.. i'll fix it when i get back home 2nite.. so i did my "morning ritual" n flushed d toilet.. 2my dismay, d water didnt stop pouring and it was no longer leaking... but overflowing! i duno if it's a "new-house" problem thing coz i didnt xperience problems dis much @my old place.. or is it just bcoz those people dat built d house r professional nincumpoops? actually ive experienced it @my old place, but only after living ther for 9yrs! anywho... i opened d toilet n studied d mechanism coz while d concept is d same, d design is hardly similar (y is ther no standard wit these things??)..
There it is in normal condition..

within 30mnts i solved d problem but not b4 d floor was flooded..by this time i was already late so i decided 2mop d floor 2nite nbathed then left for work..
the road was empty... whoopee!! i thought... i thought too soon... i was just 2cars away from d railroad crossing in bintaro and a train was about 2pass so i had 2stop... it took forever for the train to pass and lots of motorcyclist and pedestrieans crossed d railroad.. even when the sign to stop was up! in my head i was cursing...: damn train! taking so long! argh u dumb motorcyclist!! cant u c d sign??? but deep down in my heart (or head) ther was this small whisper.. barely unheard, but if i listen closely.. it's saying "
yes...cross the railroad u dumb motorcycle.. die away u engine.. " or "
slip u pedestrian.. get ur feet stuck on d rail.." and "
come on train... nows d time..hit them.. hit them...." This is normal, right??
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
So tired....not the body, but the mind and soul...just so weary of everythin...-logging out-
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have u ever felt used...?
ur resources utilized, then spat off?
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Words are sacred to a man;
his word is his bond.
Feelings are sacred to a woman;
her heart is her bond.
now I understand...
U say it is human to compare and choose the better.. just trust my feelings...
but a man's word is his bond.. if it can no longer be trusted, what else does he have?
one/two liners time! :)
If you are attracted to someone, there's a reason for it. And you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is. --Goldfish Memories
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.--
Casablanca"It was my own fault, I was looking up. You were there... it was the nearest thing to heaven..."
--An Affair to Remember
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Boyz II Men have really good love songs :)
A song recommended by "Prof Dr Ir HKR ST SC MoL" when u meet an attractive woman.
Thank U in Advance
(excuse me, I know we just met But may I have this dance? )
Sitting here with a drink in my hand Your presence I can’t ignore I must admit I like watching you dance But it seems like I’ve seen this before Girl, you look like my first wife Though I’ve never been married before So I kiss your hand and tell you ’thank you’ You turn and ask me what for
1 - for our first kiss on next week For when we make love in six weeks For the ring you wore proudly three months from now For when you said ’i do’ next march And for those beautiful children of ours Yes, I know it might sound strange cuz we just met But I thank you in advance
(shawn, help me sing it)
Hi, my name is shawn Tell me your name Although I know the last one It’s funny that we’re shaking hands [wait a minute, I know this hand] It’s the same hand (I’ll hold in front of a minister) Same hand (when you’re havin’ my son and his sister) I don’t mean to sound so bold and forward But I thank you in advance
Repeat 1
It’s like I came back in time to tell you thank you You’re as beautiful then as you are now Look in the mirror, there is a picture Of you and the man you love
Repeat 1 Repeat 1
I, i, i, i, i I thank you in advance, ooh Ooh ooh ooh
Another good song.. the lyric is deadly ;)
Pass U By
She was like nothing I’d ever known Her eyes shine like diamonds in a field of snow Man. that destiny led her to me Made her feel that life was now complete
A thousand days have passed And nights gone by You can see the glow slowly fading from her eyes Though she denies her pain and her dismay Know I said this to her anyway
Chorus: Don’t have to stay with someone that makes you cry You’ll end up killing all the love you have inside Can’t hope to see the sun If you don’t open your eyes Girl don’t let real love pass you by
Ooh oh no Ooh don’t let real love pass you by
I know you are nervous But take it from me Cause you deserve so much more than you receive Listen to your heart and let it show Don’t hold on to your pain Just let it go, let it go
Chorus 2x:
Oh yeah Girl don’t let real love pass you by You can find a love you need If you set your heart free Girl... Don’t have to stay with someone That makes you cry Don’t be discouraged baby Don’t let real love pass you by
Chorus 2x:
Don’t you let nothing Don’t let no one take you away from love Don’t let real love pass you by You’ll see I know, I know, I know You’ll be alright Don’t let real love pass you by You just can believe in love, in love, in love, in love Don’t let real love pass you by Oh yeah Don’t let real love pass you by Ooh, yeah Don’t let real love pass you by Don’t let, don’t let, don’t let, don’t let Don’t let, don’t let, don’t let, don’t let Don’t let real love pass you by Oh yeah, oh Don’t let real love pass you by...
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(warning: highly psychological :D)
i realize that people (including myself) have been regretting almost constantly what we havent done. and y we dont do somethin bout it.. it seems dat most of our regrets r about relationship choices, passed up opportunities, indiscretions, bad decisions, or procastrinations.
lets 1st discuss bout inaction.. the road that we did not take.. y do we regret past choices dat wud only affect us? at first glance, it seems dat no logical good can come out of these regrets.. ther have been many advices of these thoughts, one most easily remembered by Stephen Stills (did i get his name right?); "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with."
what is d emotion triggered by regret? i think it is grief. a very selfish grief haha.. what good value can come of it? we can regret because we can imagine. we can imagine what the present would be if we took a different path in the past. but y did we take the present path that we have taken instead of the path we did not take? i believe bcoz we knew dat we cant take every path.. there wer choices to be made and bcoz we did not have the present information (knowledge) at the time, we thought that the choices we've made had greater emotional, logical, and intellectual (had d minimum risk mayb?) appeal. So regrets come from present information we have acquired that make us imagine of what things could have been, thus the saying "if i knew then what i know now..."
so when u regret working doing X instead of doing Y, or regret being with X when u couldve been with Y, etc etc.. this means we are unhappy and feel regret which allows us to imagine a different present.. we regret for what mightve been n grieve over the choices we've made.
unhappiness(grief) may bcome a catalyst, some sort of motivational push for us in our lives. it educates us..so it can be positive when correctly responded to.. by grieving something in d past, we gain valuable knowledge. for example, if u wer playing with something sharp (knife,sword,scissor?) and it slipped of ur fingers and cut u, u would feel pain(grief) from the xperience and not play with it again.. but if when it slipped it missed cutting u, u would have little or no grief at all n thus will probably play with it again in the near future..
but whats the purpose of regret? The imagination of "what might be" could still b positive as explained above.. but what about things dat r irreversible? what if it was too late? what if what d choices we've made could not be undone in the future (eg. signed a 10yr contract n realize u dont like d work, ur dream wo/man whom uve never had the guts 2xpress ur feelings to got married)? If its too late, then y do we still regret it?
I believe the answer is escapism.. when we r unhappy, we tend to create stories to comfort/console us.. we tend to imagine "what couldve been" and insert that in our present. our imaginations become so vivid that it can jump out of time and become a real possibility in our present! If we fail to rid of these imaginations, in time they stop becoming our consolation (positive) and become a regret (negative). We must be able to separate what is real and what is mere imagination.
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Monday, August 08, 2005
My Beloved Auntie (Bude')
She's my father's older sister.. She lives in her hometown in Jepara Central Java.. Last week she came over and helped around in my new house.. Since the moving was hectic, we were really only able to cook real food since yesterday..
Now my aunt is famous for her homecooking.. Rendang (using ox meat instead of beef) is her specialty.. her shrimps, chicken, crabs, and even clams wer magnifico... :D Whenever we went to Jepara, we'd sleep at my late grandparents' house.. Everyone related lives in the village.. including my dear aunt :) so every meal would be spent at her house eating anything she'd prepare :D
So yesterday she started cooking her famous shrimp boto'.. Im tellin u dis aint no ordinary store bought boto' u could buy in restos.. dis was a boto' u savor each coconut n shrimp dat reaches ur mouth.. Ok. So the boto' was good. No one can doubt her boto'... Dis morning we had anchovies.. She seemed to not be able to fry anchovies d way we're used to.. she kept on saying "like this? and like this?" hoho.. so she finally has a weakness.. anchovies.. she said "but i usually cook them 2gether, not 1by1.. " and we said "no, no.. dat would not taste good.. plus its hard 2make them cook just right"... Halfway, she thought cooking 1by1 was hard n time wasting, so she did it her way... and then i tasted it... "WOOOW...!!!" so lite n crispy..! thin n tasty..! "this is great!" i exclaimed... and she just smiled.. and we all agreed dat this is how anchovies should b cooked from now on...
And for dinner, we had squid.. and of course, we couldnt get enough of it.. i didnt try 2wipe my mouth even when my lips n teeth are black from d ink haha.. how does she do it??? its d same menu, d same ingredients?? how can she make each cooking so delicious?!?!
She was supposed to go back 2 jepara on wednesday, but we managed 2 keep her till this weekend.. haha.. what do u want2cook for the next meal auntie? just name it :D
aah..wher can i get a girl dat can cook like my aunt.... modern women no longer care for these things.. my uncles n aunts keep telling me: u need 2find a woman dat knows how 2cook.. she may work n dont hav d time 2cook on weekdays... but on weekends its mandatory :D
~yeah right! as if women like my aunt still exists.. :D
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:: The Ametis Family ::
in order of left to right
[front] Amri, Wenang, Cahyo
[back] Boy, Api, *Nana
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:: The Martosentono Family ::
in order of left to right
[front] Aga, Afri, Api, Yordan
[back] Satria, Andhika
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Sunday, August 07, 2005
The other day my office received mail from Microsoft... It turns out the shark is out for some fishbits... Instead of the usual software promotional leaflets/letters/brochures, we received a very polite message..
"We are here to help u keep track of the licensed softwares ur company own. Please cross-check with our list. If u have recently bought a licensed software that is not on our list, please notify us. We would appreciate it if u could fax us the cross-checked software information by August the 31st."
In the letter, the list of microsoft licensed products bought by Ametis Technology, Ltd was zero. zip. nothin. Of course u dimwit! We are 100% microsoft-free! The reply fax should be "WE USE LINUX YOU DIMWIT!"
That shark aint gettin a piece of this smallfry ;)
Bill Gates's wife was talking to her stylist in the salon.
Stylist: it must be nice to have a husband that can conjure cash and get u whatever u want.
Wife: yes, but thers still somethin missin
Stylist: what is it?
Wife: the sex is awful...
Stylist: how come?
Wife: his [censored] is just like his company... micro and soft..
~in the free world, who needs windows and gates? it only increases ur bill.. :)
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After sms-ing a friend bout differences and similarities of people, it just occured to me...
What is it do we seek when we see other people? similarities? or differences? is the saying
opposites attract valid? or will that just end up as a disaster?
I think the answer is not how similar or different a person is, but what traits do we seek to be different 2ours? and what traits do we want to be similar wit ours? we basically look at a person's physical appearance, background, personality, etc... then we decide whether we want d characteristics 2b different or similar to ours.. So its not about how similar or how different we are wit dat person, but
what is similar and
what is different that matters.
just graduated n tryin 2b an entrepreneur rite away is hard work. time management is d hardest part..im not used 2d discipline..
startup money is minimum... scrap up whatever's left of project activities during college...
since startup cash is minimum, hiring people is also kept to a minimum... so we have to do both management and technical activities...
a day consists of 24hours.. 9to5 is spent to do management activities either @d office or meeting people.. the drive home is 1hour.. 6-8pm is spent eating,praying,etc.. 8pm-1am do d technical activities @home... sleep till 5am... huh? out of time 2subtract already?
considering saturdays r also spent in d office, sundays (when not bz) is d only free half-day (d 1st half of d day is spent @d office)... social life? what social life.. :p
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Friday, August 05, 2005
So u think u've won? Think again. U started a battle n we're forced 2enter it.. So now we're gonna
defeat u in ur own game.. If we can't bring it down, we'll at least create a large hole in ur kingdom dats built with greed and arogance..
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Wednesday, August 03, 2005
These are some poems.. Some i've made, some i've copied (source mentioned of course!)
i wrote this this morning.. it took 15mnts.. i wanted 2spend more time on it, make it more "artistic" and "poetic" haha.. but 1 thing, i dont hav d time.. and 2nd, it might alter some of the meanings.. i know its not 1of my best poems in the "wordplay" sense n may even seem corny, but who cares :)
Dear Friend...
Our paths crossed not a blink ago
But quite a few things of you I now know
A chapter from your book of life I have opened
And found your dreams, some which I comprehend
And some I do not, while others I try not..
Your tales of love I have read
And found your passion for love worthy of envy
Your efforts and struggles truly captivate me
The pains and sufferings you have faced are more
Than one soul should be allowed to endure
Even so.. Which each stumble,
Each fall, and even when faced by a thick wall..
A way out you always find
And you continue to move forward
With high hopes still, and head up high
To search that flame which shall never die
I am no fortune teller
The future therefore I cannot foresee
All I know is when you think all seems bleak
And you feel all is lost and your heart is weak
Remember of friends you still have
Who can help stop you weep
And bring back the colors to your cheek
-Api Perdana-
3rd of August 2005
This poem is copyleft.. you are welcome to use it but please include the name of the author :)
Last night i did something i havent done in quite a long time.. i wrote a poem! :D
This poem is connected to a posting ive made b4.. I havent made up a title yet.. maybe i'll call it "uncertainty" or "Time"? hm... well... here goes.. please dont laugh.. i havent written a poem in ages.. eheheh
Tis said the seeds of love in time shall be sowed
But Oh! How naive!
To think of time as a friend
For only in the end..
Friend or foe it will show
O'Time.. will this bond grow strong..
Twicefold in each of your coming?
Or will it just start crumbling..
Into grains to small to see..
And dissolve in your space of eternity?
O'Time.. Are you friend or are you foe..?
Will you please just let me know...?
-api perdana-
11th of July 2005
This poem is copyleft.. you are welcome to use it but please include the name of the author :)
I got this cool (existential?) poem from a (former) Friendster programmer, Troutgirl
Java Haiku
using reflection
i verify
right before the method is called
that it exists
then i call it
and it dies saying
this method doesn't exist
-5th of July 2005-
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Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Salonwent 2d salon last nite.. my hair was getting 2long 4my liking... and
ndari, no im not a metrosexual... my haircuts r simple.. i cant help giggling when i c those "modern" hair styles n think they should belong somewhere in the endangered species list :D
eniwei, i only go 2 salons coz they seem 2take more detailed approaches in cutting ur hair than barbers do.. true d result isnt dat much different especially since my haircuts r simple, but still.. :)
what i always try 2avoid are she-males... haha.. dunno y i just dont like them touching me.. so when i go 2salons i usually choose women stylists.. but i have problems wit them also.. 1st of all, they seem 2b less capable than the males..and they sometimes make me icky too... especially after the cutting is done n the "leftover-hair" is cleaned.. is it normal dat they
reach in deep under my shirt 2clean d hairs? i mean, sometimes i think they "
touch" more than what they need to... is this sexual harrasment? hmm... :p
anywho.. my 2last visits d salon was packed n ther wer only guy stylists available. since they (different guys) wernt faggotts (xcuse my language 4i was educated wit crude english:p), i decided "wat d heck".. when i think bout it, their cuts wer much better.. they cut with more confidence... and more stylish (tho i dont notice it nor care) since lots of people commented possitively on it :p the guy kept saying "see? i did this and that... made it look more like so... etc etc..." i just say "yeah ok whatever.." haha.. plus ther was no "
overexcess-touching" :D
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